3Doodler is a pen to draw and paint in 3D creating a physical object that can be touched

Many years ago my parents took me on Sundays to the Retiro Park where there were a lot of tables with artisans who made and sold wire bicycles. Seeing them work was impressive, they took the wire, twisted it with pliers and shaped it until they managed to create a bicycle with a single piece of wire and with a pull. I think they sold them at 100 pesetas, about 60 cents.

Now it is presented 3Doodler, a pen, or so it is taken and can be handled, which allows 3D drawings to be made with results that reminded me of those wire bicycles although now a lot of things can be built and drawn. The 3Doodler can draw in the air and the strokes are maintained allowing complex constructions.

The material used is ABS plasticIt seems to be a type of material used in 3D printers, and you can write on or without a surface. The operation is very simple, just plug the pen into the electric current and wait for it to reach the temperature necessary to melt the material and write in the air. The plastic then cools and results are obtained as spectacular as what you see in the video.

It's about a Kickstarter project, an initiative of these groups that are sweeping the United States and that allow an entrepreneur to have funds to carry out their project in exchange for compensation.

In this case the product has no definitive price Because it's still just a project. Although the ABS plastic used does cost between 20 and 40 euros per kilo the pencil is estimated to be sold for about 40 or 50 euros.

The 3Doodler measures 180 millimeters high by 24 millimeters wide. It weighs about 200 grams and on the Kickstarter page they indicate that its use is recommended for people over 12 years old because one of its pieces is made of metal and can reach very high temperatures.

Although it seems to me that it is a project of these that they look spectacular and attractive in a video that shows a path that will surely succeed, and is to work with plastics that allow 3D printing and obtain applications of all kinds. And surely children will be part of the investment objective and soon we will see products for children to make their own creations such as dolls, accessories, utensils, etc.

Video: How to Draw in 3D - Optical Illusion (July 2024).