Summary of the week from June 1 to 7 in Peques and More

Here we are one more week to offer you the most interesting contents of our blog friend Peques and more are you ready? Well, we go there, because there is no day that we cannot learn with our children from 5 to 12 years oldFor that reason we want to share with you all those interesting things with which we meet every day in our role as fathers and mothers.

During these last seven days we have walked through the Retiro Park in Madrid, to learn with the little ones about the environment, in the Information and Education center destined for this purpose. Children love doing this kind of family activities, as much as they might like to learn about airplanes. Everything in life is a challenge for them.

A challenge has also seemed to us that a father and researcher has recorded his son 90,000 hours, in order to understand more about his learning and development. No doubt 90,000 hours full of life and things to learn. Because being parents is a continuous learning.

And as we know that learning as fathers and mothers is carried out through the experiences, this week in Peques and More We interviewed parents who have traveled for months with their four-year-old girl. Max and Susagna, creators of the Familias en Ruta website, have answered our questions wonderfully. Without a doubt, an interview that we cannot stop reading. Surely it helps you to understand how to travel with your little ones, in a different way and leave aside some of those fears that sometimes invade our parents when it comes to leaving with luggage to other destinations.

To finish the weekly summary we invite you to take those delicious seasonal cherries that sweeten our lives so much. A life that is sure to be sweeter for us since those crazy little people landed on it, am I wrong? I'm sure not.

We wait for you from here to a week with many more stories to share with all of you. During these seven days we hope that like us, you will continue learning a little more about that hard, but rewarding job of being parents. The most exciting task in the world.

Video: How-to: Use WordPressPodPress to podcast to iTunes (July 2024).