The mobile phone is harmful during pregnancy according to a study

We have already spoken on numerous occasions about the effects of alcohol, tobacco and stress on pregnant women, but we had not done so on mobile / cell phones.

Now a study conducted jointly by universities in the US and Denmark has been published in which they analyzed 13,000 children and that relates the use of mobile phones during pregnancy with behavioral disorders at school age.

Specifically, according to scientists, the use of mobile phones two or three times a day can cause children hyperactivity and difficulties in relating to their parents. 54% of the mothers who used mobile phones during their pregnancy had children with these types of problems and these increased with the greatest exposure to radiation.

And to make it clear the danger of the devices, the study adds that these disorders increase by 80% if these children already exposed before being born to radiation, use the mobile before seven years.

As always, the reactions have not been long in coming.

There are those who know tease of these results alleging that before it was also harmful to go by car, use the computer or any advance of technology, and others who accept the study with greater or less prudence because, the truth is that, “it rains on wet”. In the magazine Discovery Salud you have several articles about it.

Research has been published for years on the health effects of different types of electromagnetic radiation. I remember one where they put the cell phone next to hundreds of eggs and whose chicks barely came to be born compared to unexposed eggs.

Anti-telephone company activists claim that they do not practice the Principle of Caution and Responsibility and that there are no long-term studies. They claim that the same thing happened with tobacco decades ago. Manufacturers and the population ridiculed the consequences, and today is an accomplished fact.

Hyperactivity is multi-causal and here we have pointed out enough data, but that is why we should not rule out this new research.

Less teasing and more studies! And meanwhile, sanity and that pregnant women be careful.

Video: Cell Phone Use in Pregnancy: Risks for Child? (July 2024).