If you have wide hips your children will be smarter ...

Surprising, isn't it? The explanation is based on the acids of polyunsaturated fats found in the hips, according to scientists which will publish their study in the journal of the Society for Evolution and Human Behavior Society, they collaborate very successfully in the development of the brain of the fetus, to the point of being able to develop greater intelligence.

It seems that women with narrow hips do not have these polyunsaturated fats that are so helpful to the fetus when it is in the womb, it should be noted that the width of the hips is not based on excess weight and the fat that accumulates in this area, but in relation to the waist. Our question is that if babies are smarter because they receive an acid-rich supply of polyunsaturated fats, it will also depend on the mother's diet, right?

The study carried out by the universities of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania) and California does not convince us, at least for the moment, although they affirm that the cognitive tests that were performed on the children of women “with curves” showed a higher intelligence coefficient.

In short, it seems to us a statistical study like so many, from which other results arise that are not relevant. So we will wait for you to investigate further and develop a more explicit, conclusive and convincing explanation.

Video: Do Women With Big Butts Produce Smarter Kids (May 2024).