I International Congress on Television and Children

The next October 17 will be held on I International Congress on Television and Children, an appointment that will feature the participation of various personalities and experts to discuss children's content that is broadcast on television and preferences or schedules, among other things. What television can broadcast and what our children receive from it is a worrying issue that needs to be deepened, through it, children can adopt all kinds of habits and preferences that are sometimes totally negative or unconstructive. During the congress, comparisons will be carried out and the different lines of research that other countries have carried out regarding the television-child relationship, reports and studies such as Television and children's audience in Spain or Criteria and contents of programming and behavior guidelines They will be subject to examination and study.

The television and specifically the children's programming makes water, not long ago in Babies and more we talked about the absence of children's television programming, in short, there are many issues that must be addressed, but the most important thing is that the solutions found are applied and not left in a mere report.

The congress will consist of four blocks, children's audiences, children's programming and consumption, children's television reception and the fourth one that we especially highlight, educational television. Conferences, presentations and round tables will help uncover possible problems and the most appropriate solutions.

The truth is that television can be a very effective and effective tool that can help our children acquire healthy eating habits, develop their intellect, enhance ethics and morals, many good qualities that today few television spaces meet .

Video: Peace Child TV Presents: What is a European Youth Congress? (May 2024).