"The white sofa", the emotional message that reminds us of the beautiful chaos in which we live with young children

When we have young children at home, keeping it as if it were a magazine is something that probably never happens, or at best, stays that way for a few minutes or hours. This can be frustrating on some occasions, especially when we spend some time cleaning, to see that after a few minutes, the disorder becomes present again.

But nevertheless, that chaos that we can see in the house where there are small children, is actually the reflection of something precious, and a mother reminds us in an emotional message.

The House of my dreams

I don't know if it happens to everyone, but when I was an almost adult teenager, I started thinking about how my house would be, since I stopped living with my parents. As a reading lover, I would have a beautiful bookcase, with all my ordered books and small sculptures or plants on one of the shelves. I would also have a small and relaxing reading corner.

The living room would have furniture in light or neutral colors, some glass table, floor lamps in gold and perhaps one of those white rugs that we see in the interior decoration accounts on Instagram. The bedroom, of course, it would be a kind of sanctuary of relaxation, destined for rest and peace.

But then, I became a mother. And with the arrival of my daughter came all kinds of accessories, accessories and other things we needed as first-time parents. So, instead of small sculptures we had stuffed animals, instead of that white carpet we had rugs with colorful children's drawings and instead of being the bedroom a temple for good sleep, it was the place where that magic of the unveiled happened with a month-old baby.

The house of my dreams, now it was chaos (and it still is). With chaos I do not mean that it is dirty, but that all that idea of ​​a perfectly tidy house and which IKEA catalog was far from mine. Although everything has its place and cleaning is done several times a week, with a little adventurous girl, it is difficult for the house to always keep in order.

Although I have never been stressed or bothered that my daughter plays and therefore messes up or messes things up, I would like to have a nicer house, more similar to those beautiful houses we see in magazines. But you know? I have learned to love that disorder, because that means there is a happy, naughty and playful girl with whom I share this wonderful life and that he loves to share his occurrences, making my days happy.

Within that chaos that is living with young children, there are beautiful things that sometimes we forget or do not notice. And this is what a mother does not share in an emotional message.

Chaos with young children is beautiful

Lauren Eberspacher is a mother blogger who shares her adventure of motherhood in the blog "From Blacktop to Dirt Road", and is the author of the Facebook post that I share below, where through a letter to her husband He tells us about his dream "white sofa".

Dear husband, someday we will have a white sofa.

You know ... THE white sofa. The one I always point out in home decorating magazines. The one through which I pass my fingers when we pass by him in the store.

Yes. THE white sofa. Someday, we will save and buy one. Yes, dear husband, someday we will have a white sofa.

And it will be clean. There will be no juice stains on it, there will be no leftover apples between the cushions and it will not smell like spoiled milk. There will be no wear spots on the arms of the sofa where the children have stopped to jump, and the cushions will not sink from the middle, where they have been jumping. We will not have to clean the stains or put baking soda after some of them failed to reach the bathroom on time.

And dear husband, someday we will have a white sofa.

When people come to visit, we will not have to remove the toys from him. The cushions will always be in place and the blankets to cover us will always be folded over the armrest to which they belong, not strategically placed to cover the tears or stains on the fabric. We will not sit on small toy cars or push small doll arms. We will simply sit with our company and enjoy the comfort of our white sofa.

But dear husband, someday we will have a white sofa.

When we sit in it in the afternoon, we will find ourselves running our fingers over that wonderful and clean cloth for which we have saved for years. And we will miss those spots, because that will mean that our children are no longer small. The armrests will be firm and the cushions will be spongy. I'm sure you'll be as comfortable as we imagine it will be. But I'm sure it will give us a twinge as we remember our children jumping on the couch we had years ago. When they pretended that they were superheroes or that they were going on some wild adventure. I think someday we will miss those years of our old and used sofa.

And dear husband, someday we will have a white sofa.

When visitors come and everything is in place. Oh, and it will look just like the one in the magazine, with the beautiful cushions and everything! We will not be ashamed of the stains or tears, but we will miss those reminders of the little people who once played here. We won't hear their laughs as they run down the hall to jump on our old sofa. We will not be interrupted by a "I love you, mommy" or by hugs on a rainy day. Yes, we will be comfortable on our white sofa, but we could also feel alone.

So today, dear husband, let's appreciate our old and worn sofa. Let's continue carving the spots and placing the blankets over it. Let's continue snuggling with our babies and see them launch into those great adventures in our living room. Dear husband, let's appreciate the days of our old and worn sofa. Because the days we will have with him, will undoubtedly be the most precious, tired and beautiful of our lives. Yes ... someday we will have a white sofa. But today, I am grateful for the one we have ... for the little people we have.

With spots and everything.

Lauren's message, which not only shows us the precious side of that chaos that is living with young children at home, reminds us of something we sometimes forget: our children will be children only once. The day will come when they will grow and take their own path, leaving us a quiet and clean house, in which we will surely remember those days of laughter and games with much nostalgia.

Maybe now you can't have a magazine room, maybe your walls are full of marks of little naughty little hands, there are toys everywhere and your upholsteries are not impeccable, but children are children. It is a stage that one day will pass and you will surely miss it. Embrace the chaos, and enjoy it while it lasts.

Photos | iStock
Via | Babble
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