More skills we can have parents with our children

After publishing what are some of the skills that parents have to have with our children, I have been able to find more references and guides on how we can go even further. Basically it's about offer autonomy and self-control to kids although for that we have to provide them with tools for these skills to develop. The challenge is for parents to raise children in a reasonable way and ensure that children and families can be happier.

Learn music. And is that children who participate in musical activities progress and improve with respect to other children. Although the results are not totally differentiating or extraordinary, the truth is that music helps all kids and also to their families.

Exercise. Because the time spent training and exercising ensures that the mind is then more awake and active. Apparently we can learn vocabulary up to 20 percent faster after exercising with respect to before doing so.

It is also we better read to the kids but read with them. For example, we can let them read while we read or let them read fragments or encourage them to represent what is being read.

We had already commented that the Lack of sleep it impacts brain performance, so we insist that children sleep and rest to the fullest.

The self discipline, in Peques and Más we are very emphatic that self-esteem is not everything and that we must encourage children to have discipline and self-control. Willpower is essential to achieve success and ensure that when children grow up they can overcome important challenges. And I think that self-discipline has a greater effect on academic performance than intellectual talent.

Active participation. Because the brain learns by doing things and putting them into practice. Apparently even if we are listening to the same message repeatedly if we do not show some kind of proactivity, we will not remember anything we have heard. So it is necessary to practice and involve the brain actively. Children can practice the two thirds rule, that is, spend 30 percent of the time reading and the other 70 percent assess how much of the reading they have understood, understood and memorized.

Eat Healthy. Breakfast is essential, with carbohydrates, fiber content, slow digestion foods such as oats or wheat. But what you eat throughout the day also so you have to rationalize the consumption of sweets and soft drinks using them, for example, as stimuli.

The children have to be happy and to be surrounded by an environment that facilitates. And, happy people are more successful than unhappy people both at work and in love. Happy people have better evaluations at work, have recognized jobs and may even have higher salaries. Happy people are also more likely to get married, and once married they continue to show their enthusiasm and passion for marriage. And what is the first step to create happier children? Be happy parents!

He environment in which children develop It is also important. It is important to live in a nice neighborhood, go to recognized schools and it is essential to ensure that children have good times with good friends. If friendship is also active and collaborates and grows in learning, the results may be more interesting.

And finally believe in children and their potential. You have to listen actively and encourage them to do things, make mistakes and try again.

And finally and since intelligence and talent is not everything, it is very important to offer a good ethical training as well as fostering empathy. We will continue to expand this list of skills and behaviors we can have to ensure that our children grow up happy, safe and with great confidence in them.

Video: Communicating with Your Child (July 2024).