Caring for kids' teeth during the holidays

In summer it's easy for kids to distract hygiene a little Y alter the diet So oral health can suffer. Especially you have to be aware of infections, gingivitis and the typical caries which in the end are the main causes of consultation to the dentist during the month of September. Thus, at least, reports Dr. Iván Malagón, Dentist specializing in Orthodontics and Maxillomandibular Orthopedics and Director of the clinic that bears his name.

The causes of infections they are due to inadequate hygiene and insufficient hydration. And it is that with the heat our body loses more water and if we do not replace it properly, a dehydration process begins that begins in the mouth with a decrease in salivation, so that the saliva loses its antibacterial action. In addition, low salivation also favors fungal infections and the appearance of thrush.

On cavities It can be said that the relaxation in hygiene habits due to changes in schedules during the holidays, the difficulty of brushing your teeth regularly when you spend the day away from home, the greater consumption of sugary drinks and ice cream and an unbalanced diet, are factors that favor the proliferation of microorganisms in the mouth and the appearance of the dreaded decay.

Other frequent problems are the halitosis due to carelessness in hygiene routines and not drinking enough water. The tooth sensitivity caused by the increased consumption of food and cold drinks that make enamel vulnerable to temperature changes.

In summer they are also frequent dental trauma Because we do more outdoor activities, and we don't always go to the dentist urgently. When, after a severe trauma, the tooth comes out of its place it is strictly necessary for the survival of the piece that the patient goes to the dentist within the first three hours, keeping the tooth in milk or in physiological serum. If the trauma had caused the fracture of a part of the tooth or tooth, the sooner you visit the dentist, the better it will be to prevent it from breaking, since the piece is very weakened.

We take this opportunity to remember that the General Council of Dentists indicates that between 92% and 94% of the adult population has cavities and that it is a widespread pathology among those over 35 years. That is why it is very important to learn that mouth care and good oral hygiene habits are acquired in childhood.