In summer, cases of conjunctivitis increase in children: it is recommended to maximize hygiene and prevent contagion

The chances of contracting viral conjunctivitis increases when crowded places are frequented as hotels or swimming pools, if we also add the fact that sometimes we take baths in waters that may contain germs (rivers or swamps), we can deduce that in summer it is a time of the year when children are more exposed to this sickness. They told us recently from the Rementería Foundation, and they also gave us guidelines for the prevention and treatment of these conditions. They also publish on their website a guide in the form of a magazine that we can consult because it offers very complete and detailed information. In short, it is about being clear that in summer the eyes suffer (and not only from excessive exposure to sunlight), and being a little more careful with them.

Conjunctivitis caused by adenovirus

As we have mentioned, direct contact with waters that have not been treated, is one of the causes of a greater number of people affected (which will be mostly children and immunocompromised patients). If we look at our son's reddened eyesIt will be convenient to visit the doctor to offer us treatment advice and prescribe (if applicable) some type of medication.

It is known to all, but converts remember: all measures to prevent the transmission of the responsible virus are applicable. That is to say nothing of sharing towels at home or in the pool, nor passing the eye drops to another person even if we assume that he has the same as our son (because the medication should be given by a doctor, and because contact with the nozzle of the container could act as transmitter).

Teenage girls should also not share makeup (especially brushes and eye shadow applicator); Y we must all be more careful with hand hygiene, for not touching the faces of the brothers after having caressed the sick.

Conjunctivitis consists of a conjunctiva inflammation (the surface covering the eye and the inner face of the eyelids) that can also be caused by bacteria or allergens. Among the most specific causes, in addition to adenovirus, we find the golden staphylococcus

When the cause is a virus, the red eye is usually observed, in addition to mucous or serous secretions, inflammation of the conjunctiva and eyelids and that feeling (which only the affected person can describe) of 'having something inside the eye'. Sometimes the upper respiratory tract is also affected.

It is very important to maintain good hygiene, washing the children with physiological serum, and to follow closely the medical treatment that will generally consist of the application of antibiotics. We may want to relieve symptoms with artificial tears, this would help children not scratch, and this is essential: 'not scratch'. But we will always consult the doctor, even to buy one of these preparations.

In addition, the eyes can be damaged by other causes such as exposure to solar radiation, air conditioning, dry environments, pollution, chlorine from the pool, or misuse of contact lenses or sunglasses.

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