It will be prohibited to disseminate data to identify minors in legal proceedings.

We have learned from the Children's Platform that the future Statute of the Victim of the Ministry of Justice will establish the explicit prohibition of spreading data or images through which to identify a minor victim or witness in judicial proceedings.

As you know, sometimes the information media show images of the child's environment, which can help the child's identity be known, when it should be in possession only of the professionals who deal with each particular case ( In this case, the excess of information does not help, and in addition nobody cares which school the little one goes to, or in which street he lives.

It is thus intended to avoid the double victimization of the child, through avoidance of certain situations that could be traumatic. This statute will establish that the child will not have to appear mandatory, because his statements could be recorded and reproduced during the trial. The adapted rooms (the so-called friendly rooms) are also mentioned so that they can give their testimony in a slightly more pleasant place.

Thus, with the entry into force of this reform, it will be prohibited to publicize any data of a minor victim or witness of legal proceedings; in this case the norm could replace the lack of ethics

Judge Madrigal highlights the need for us to be aware of the protection of minors, and has claimed professional specialization, we also talked about it some time ago here. It states that 'the child has the right to listen and record his testimony to be used as reconstituted evidence.' He adds that 'the best interest of the minor resides in himself'.

Now, I would like to provide a piece of information from an information medium called Arahal, which perhaps should be contrasted, but in any case it gives us a thought. They comment that the Ministry of Justice itself allows public exposure of data on the child on the bulletin boards of the courts when the sentence is final; In this way it can also be accessible to anyone. On the other hand, from Arahal they affirm that when the sentences reach the media, it is these (not all) that eliminate data that can identify the child.

We will be attentive to the news we receive on this very important issue.