We still have a lot to learn about food allergies

It seems that the difference between allergy and intolerance is not very clear and recently we have been able to read and listen in the media how they are confused and not treated correctly. We remember that the symptoms of a food allergy More characteristic are: shortness of breath, swelling, stomachache, nausea, vomiting, dermatitis, diarrhea, chest pain, hives, loss of consciousness and the most serious, anaphylaxis, which is a life-threatening reaction. If this occurs, it is urgent to call 112 immediately as you need professional medical attention and we also recommend having adrenalines at home or in a pouch. The reactions may vary depending on the person and their allergic sensitivity, as there are children who cause reaction only physical contact with the allergen.

And we have recently learned the news of the death of a six-year-old boy and through the media there was talk of lactose allergy (?) as the cause And we still have a lot to learn and recommend in addition to mentalize the risks that a bad label can have on the health of a child. From this blog we remind all brands of the need to include, although it is obvious as in the image that illustrates the article, the food allergens to prevent consumption by allergic children. We remember that there are milk proteins in many products: bread, sausages, yogurts (even if they are not milk), cookies, goodies, etc. and you have to be very careful. That is why we continue to ask brands to label in detail, to carry out dissemination and information and, above all, do not confuse allergy with intolerance. Because intolerance is a response of the digestive system that happens when a food causes irritation because the stomach does not tolerate it. The most common intolerance is lactose that is present in milk.

Children with food allergies usually have respiratory problems, although it seems to me that one is a consequence of the other and not vice versa. That is why it is very important analyze the evolution of allergic children and your response in the respiratory system. If the child has a lot of allergy, he can surely have breathing difficulties although the best thing is that the professionals, an allergist or a pulmonologist, treat the patient after having an accurate diagnosis.

In the schools it is essential that there are action protocols and in the rest of the activities or educational visits that the children carry out, there always has to be a lot of advance information and I don't even rule out that the children with allergies have to bring their own food to minimize the risks.

Note: in the image you can see a product that although it indicates that it is milk it is still specified, in another color, that the product contains milk. It may be a bit of an exaggeration although any recommendation and additional information is appreciated, especially for allergic children and their families.

Video: Food allergy - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology (June 2024).