The visit to the Grażyna Kulczyk Collection of the Banco Santander Foundation to see UFOs

We have approached the Santander Bank Foundation to learn about the contemporary art collection of Grażyna Kulczyk, one of the most important that currently exists in Poland. With the suggestive title Everybody is nobody for somebody (everyone is nobody for someone) offers a selection of the collection in the Art Room of the Santander Group City, in Boadilla del Monte (Madrid) and can be seen until June 2014. MirArte specialists have invited us to participate in the exhibition, the subsequent workshop and with the educator Maria We have learned and experienced many of the works and we have worked a lot in the subsequent workshop.

The collection UFO presents Unidentified Visual Objects that they are works of art in motion, that seem of other dimensions and even works that deceive our senses with optical and sound illusions. We like to let ourselves be abducted by contemporary art that although it is very difficult to follow, Maria did a lot to explain stories and messages around each work we saw.

My daughter liked the work illustrated in the article. It's called Między (Entre), it's from 1977 and it's an installation that has a 700 x 450 x 300 cm size. It is Stanisław Dróżdż and the key to the work is that you get inside and you can touch, walk, contemplate and also smell. They explained to us that the smell inside the work was part of it and included aromas of plastic and very intense glue and something annoying. Even so for a child, who when they enter the Museum they say: You CANNOT touch, you CANNOT run, you CANNOT yell, to be told that you can touch, run and enjoy the work from the inside, it is very funny. Among the many artists we saw I want to highlight Edward Krasińki, a Polish artist who creates his installations and representations by signing them with a blue adhesive tape placed 130 centimeters from the ground and on the work, whatever it is. Having that determination to sign the works and how to make it sure that suggested to the children a lot of ideas and thoughts that they will reproduce in their games and adventures.

In the workshop we play to build our own UFO Using a CD that supported with a marble in the center can rotate freely. And on the CD we paste an image built with cardboard and markers. The children performed great creative exercises with decorative figures that also came to life when turning on the marble. In my case I sought to do something similar to a hypnotizing spiral like the one that can be seen in a YouTube video and I realized that although it is very difficult its effects look great when turning.

We congratulate MirArte for the good organization, the visit so complete to the Exhibition and the subsequent so entertaining workshop that we carry out in the facilities of the Banco Santander Foundation.

Video: In Conversation: Fashion Beyond the Body - Art and Fashion Forum by Grażyna Kulczyk (July 2024).