The beats of a mother, unforgettable?

A baby inside the womb hears many noises. He hears how the mother's guts move, hears how the fluids pass through the veins and arteries, he hears mom's voice when he speaks and hears the people who respond to him, but above all he hears constantly his mother's heart, his beats.

They say that noise that accompanies us for nine months has the capacity, whenever we hear it, to relax, to calm our own heart rate, and to see it an experiment was done with some young workers of a customer service telephone center who were put on headphones with their mothers' beats to see what was happening.

In most cases they were young people who had not chosen the job, who wanted to work for something else but who, finding no alternative, were still there receiving constant calls with complaints, problems and sometimes shouting.

It is not the worst job in the world, but it is not the best job, let alone if it is not the job you would like to perform. All this makes them relatively stressed people, and therefore they were good subjects for the test.

They took them at work, took them to a room where a cardiologist put a tape on their chest to measure the pulsations and gave them headphones. All they had to do was listen. Through the headphones they began to hear his mother's heartbeat, which was in a room next door.

The young people began to relax, their pulsations dropped and the stress of the moment was mitigated.

The only thing missing was other young people sitting in a room, with a ribbon on their chest, without listening to the beats, to compare, since the mere fact of leaving a stressful environment and moving to a quieter and quieter one can relax to anyone (so the experiment, as such, doesn't say much).

In any case, I'm sure that the hugs later revitalized everyone. The question remains whether a mother's heartbeat is truly unforgettable, although I am sure that in a way it is. It is a constant sound, accompanied by silences and focuses on a constant rhythm that, in a way, isolates us from other stimuli. If, in addition, our body, our brain, remembers in a certain way all the times that, as a child, it helped us to calm down, the effect may be similar to mom's voice, or her smell, which is always remembered.

Video: Dance Moms: Most Memorable Group Dances. Lifetime (July 2024).