Spain is the only EU country that does not vaccinate all children against pneumococcus

It's a shame that due to the latest cuts in Health, Spain is the only EU country that does not vaccinate all children against pneumococcus. Galicia is currently the only community in which it is systematically administered, since in Madrid, where it was also administered, it ceased to be done since last year.

Of course, scientific societies strongly oppose this measure because it means stop protecting children "systematically, universally and free" against pneumococcus, a bacterium that causes 40 cases of pneumococcal disease per thousand children under 5-6 years .

It is considered one of the most important vaccines because in addition to protecting the pediatric population, immunization also helps reduce the number of cases in older people. Vaccination is the most effective means of preventing death by this bacterium in young children, for something is included in childhood vaccination programs in more than 86 countries, except Spain.

There are many types of pneumococcal disease and the symptoms depend on the part of the body that is infected. For example, pneumococcal pneumonia affects the lungs and pneumococcal meningitis affects the membranes that line the brain and spinal cord. It is often mild, but it can cause severe symptoms, lifelong disability or death.

There are more than 90 varieties of pneumococcus, but the 13 serotypes included in the vaccine are currently the most frequent in our country and those that have been associated with more serious infections. The trade name of the vaccine is Prevent 13, and it is recommended to administer it at 2, 4 and 6 months and a dose between 12 and 15 months of age, except when it is systematically included in the calendar that requires two doses in the first year of life, usually 2 and 4 months and one at 12-15 months of age, for the immunity of the group that generates the vaccine.

If a father wants to protect his child against pneumococcal bacteria, he must buy it at the pharmacy for some 70 euros although it can also be bought for less money outside our borders. In Andorra it is cheaper (and can be purchased online).

When you stop vaccinating, it is clear that cases will increase. What is unfortunate is that it is cut precisely in the prevention of diseases in young children that in the long run will be a greater expense for Health.

Video: June 2017 ACIP Meeting - Herpes Zoster ; Varicella; Anthrax Vaccine Workgroup; Vaccine supply (May 2024).