II Tori comics contest in China convened by Spanish up

Spanish up It is a private equity company that intends to promote and encourage cultural exchange through the Spanish language for foreigners in general, and very particularly with China putting the focus, moreover, on business culture. A few months ago we interviewed Aida Antuña to learn more about the company and now they return to the charge with the II comic contest called Tori and Pandi's friendship in China for children between 7 and 14 years old. The comic may be written in Spanish, Mandarin Chinese and / or English. And the theme should be based on the adventures between Tori and Pandi, the pets of the Spanish Up group.

The technique will be free and the jobs they have to be originals. Each comic will reproduce a complete story, using digital images, with a maximum of two pages in the comic mode. It is also necessary to send the authorization of the parents or legal representatives of the minors to participate. Of course, all the information about the contest is available on the Spanish Up page. The prize for the winning comic will consist of a accrediting diploma and a paint set.

In Spanish up They indicate that those works that incite or promote violence, racism, xenophobia and any other form of discrimination or that threaten human dignity, animals and the environment will not be admitted to the competition.

The works may be submitted until May 31, 2014 and Spanish Up will appoint a Jury formed by experts in the field and whose mission will be to assess the balance between history, script, graphic technique and creativity.


We congratulate Spanish Up because they continue betting on promoting the creativity of the children based on the knowledge of the languages ​​and the cultural exchange.

Video: Panda Watches TV for the First Time! We Bare Bears. Cartoon Network (July 2024).