The importance of learning vocabulary, pronunciation and grammar in other languages

In such an environment competitive in which work depends less and less on the country in which you are born, the language It begins to be a fundamental value and an asset that should work since we are small. One of the engines of growth in Spain should be bet on languages precisely because millennials are going to have to function successfully and respond to the demands of their companies or their customers.

Of course there are many Languages to learn and that the German, French or the Chinese they are sued although I think you can start by learning English. There are three main axes on which you have to work: grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation and that is why the goal among the kids is to apply the best methods to learn in any of them. For example, read and read works for acquire vocabulary In addition to expanding and developing the critical vision and encourages to read more. The current generation also has magnificent multimedia content such as movies, television programs and series on the Internet that are essential to develop pronunciation and vocabulary skills.

The films They are excellent for listening to the original version, knowing the sounds of the language, becoming familiar with the context and facilitating imitation to help us remember words. It is clear that depending on what type of content you can learn more a type of vocabulary or another. In any case we have series with contents of science, education, doctors, police and thieves, marketing and even lawyers!

In the homes of Spain many T.V. series They are broadcast in dual version and it doesn't cost much to touch the remote control to encourage kids to listen in other languages. Is also Internet where there is an extraordinary repository of content in other languages ​​with access to subtitles, in Spanish or English. And there are also classes and academic content to go practicing, approaching this type of content to expand vocabulary, practice and at home and get to master the English language.

The millennials, and surely the next generations will be willing to accept challenges, they know the tools that are on the Internet, although they also require effort to use them and are accustomed to teamwork. He language It's one of the necessary glue to make all these skills work so there is not much time to waste.

In Peques and More | Manuel Higueras by Peter & Jack: "in learning English we have worked little on the ability to understand and express ourselves" Image | Yavannna

Video: The Importance of Pronunciation in Language Learning (July 2024).