When is a good time to ask a woman if she is pregnant?

Two years ago I told you about a phenomenon that makes me especially funny (I find it funny when the woman is really pregnant), which is that moment when the belly grows a little, not enough to confirm pregnancy, but yes enough for people to doubt whether they are pregnant or fat.

Today I want to rescue the issue because a few days ago I found this image online that gives us the clue of when is a good time to ask a woman if she is pregnant. The answer, a yes or no, is below each drawing, out of focus so that you can think about it and then you will see the answers.

No no no and no

As I said in his day, the grace is to see the faces of people looking at the belly and trying to guess, I don't know how, if what is there is a baby or accumulated fat. They want to know, but they don't want to ask. They want answers, but they dare not ask the question.

Best. Because if you're pregnant you probably don't mind answering yes, that your suspicions are true, but if you're not, it sure doesn't no grace having to answer no, you're not.

However, there is always someone who is emboldened, not afraid to be fatal and annoy people and ends up asking the question: "Sorry but, it seemed to me ... are you pregnant?". When, as I said in his day, it would be easier to make up the question with something like: "Oh, I don't know, I see you changed. More beautiful. Like your eyes shine brighter ... or have you done something in your hair? " In case of pregnancy it is very possible that they confirm it. In case of no pregnancy, then you get a smile of thanks and she a compliment.

But come on, it is best to pay attention to the image and directly think that "if you do not tell me, a sign that it does not concern me", and continue with our path and our life, which is not little.

Video: Asking a Woman If She's Pregnant (July 2024).