The pregnant woman lifting pregnant weights has given birth

Two months ago we told you about Lea-Ann Ellison, a 35-year-old woman, pregnant with her third baby, who became famous overnight because she appeared exercising with a prominent pregnant belly. Famous, and I would not say that for good, because less beautiful they told her everything.

It seemed that his birth was closer, because there was talk of being eight and a half months and that is when has given birth. The important thing, in any case, is that the baby is born healthy and the mother, to take some of the criticism he received he left a "Take that enemies!" written on social media.

The woman gave birth in her own home, in a delivery bath, in the water, and what was more logical happened, than being a normal pregnancy, doing the same exercise as always, perhaps even at less intensity, and being her third pregnancy, everything will end well.

In his day I understood the criticisms (despite not sharing them), because when you see the photos surprised to see his belly and see the weights he is moving. However, when you exercise, or see people exercise, it is easy to realize that you can immediately lift weights, almost without messing up, which at first seemed impossible.

In other words, it is very possible that in the photos he was exercising at a lower intensity than normal, for her, and that he lifted those weights without much effort. But of course, what is easy for her, for someone who does not exercise may seem a constant tightening, to lift the weights, which is scary. Come on, you put a pregnant woman there who is not used to it and in the first effort is able to give birth there. That's why they turned it green, and that's why they did it, to my liking, without being right.

As we often say, the exercise is highly recommended during pregnancy (Now we know that it benefits even the baby), provided it is not too intense. So, as someone said in the opinions to the photos, a woman who does not move and feeds on a fast food basis is worse than one who does the exercise she has been doing for some time.

Via and Photo | Telecinco In Babies and more | Do you have to apologize for being a mother of three children and being great? If you are planning pregnancy, get fit, when to start exercising during pregnancy? What are the most appropriate exercises during pregnancy?

Video: First Trimester Pregnancy Workout SAFE PRENATAL STRENGTH TRAINING!! (July 2024).