The giraffe Sophie is a toy for babies that allows the five senses to develop

The giraffe sophie It is one of the best selling toys in France and has a lot of recognition as a childcare product. The origin of Sophie goes back to Paris on May 25, 1961 and also celebrated the day of Saint Sophie. Although she has already completed more than half a century, Sophie the giraffe arrives in Spain ready to become one of the indispensable toys for the little ones. And I say well, the little ones because although everyone can play with it it is really designed for babies.

In France they say it sells 800,000 units per year and that virtually every child born is given one. The secret of its success is that it is the only toy on the market that stimulates all senses of babies.

He touch The toy is very soft, which reminds moms' skin. Its size of 18 centimeters and its flexible shape are ideal for the baby to press it with their hands. The long neck is the perfect part to grab it and you can take Sophie everywhere.

Dark and contrasted spots attract the baby's gaze, helping to stimulate his sense of view. And as for the taste, the giraffe is made using rubber from the sap of Hevea, which is 100% natural, and has food paint, so the baby can bite it without risk.

The natural rubber perfume gives Sophie a uniqueness that allows the child to identify her from the rest of the toys using the smell. And finally, Sophie incorporates a whistle, nothing strident, that entertains and stimulates the ear of babies.

Giraffe Sophie has many qualities to accompany children in the discovery of their environment and for parents it is a pleasure to see how they learn and have fun with it.

Sophie can be found in specialty toy and childcare stores. Although it is intended for babies, children of all ages can also use it. It has an approximate recommended price of € 17.99.

Video: Why is Sophie the Giraffe such a Popular Teething Toy? (July 2024).