Although the reading habit has been reduced in children, we are in time to recover reading for pleasure and fun

The National Literacy Trust Report (in the United Kingdom) of 2012, has presented the results of a survey of 21,000 children, which analyzes how has been modified downward, the reading habit in children in recent years.

Apparently, there have been signs of a worrying change in children's literacy habits. When such situations occur, the educational institutions and public administrations tend to be held responsible, who (judging by those who think), do not encourage reading or do not promote its benefits, respectively.

But let's not lose sight of what parents can contribute a lot to get the reading level of our children, be suitable both for them - remember that reading is a source of pleasure and a form of leisure - as well as for their academic progress.

In fact, according to the aforementioned report, boys and girls who read outside of class hours have a reading level that can be placed at up to 13 times higher than what could be expected a priori for their age

However, as I have already mentioned, reading habits have changed: for example, if in 2005, four out of 10 children read daily in their free time, in 2011 (date of data collection) only three of each Ten did.


After knowing the data, various entities have started thinking about solutions; in solutions and in causes, because according to another Oxford University Press study, 44% of parents of children between six and 11 years old, do not read them when their children have already turned seven. We have already encouraged to do so, even when we believe that the children have enough reading, and a good level of understanding, why abandon a habit so healthy that it also gives us extra minutes with our children?

Practical advice for parents

Do not lose sight of Even if they are 10 minutes a day, reading them, or reading with them, is helpful, since this is more than one hour a week. Let's think: if what we want is to improve comprehension, remember grammar rules, have more vocabulary, exercise memory… doesn't it come cheaper than taking them to a reinforcement academy?

But let's not fool ourselves, if we are interested in reading more it's not just because it costs little, not even because we will get (all) benefits related to school performance. Adults know that reading is flying the imagination, observing human relationships from the outside, placing themselves in a privileged position that resolves conflicts between characters, growing as a person, being happy, etc.

Let's go with those tips:

  • Provide them with a variety of literary styles that allow them to take into account the differences between language types.

  • Read aloud in turns.

  • Practice expressive reading.

  • Ask questions about the plot or the characters, especially focused on feelings or emotions.

  • Propose the dictionary search of unusual words or phrases.

  • Enjoy.

It may be a good time to retrieve the reading for pleasure, before it's too late. And of course the reading (in any format) is perfectly compatible with other leisure activities, what happens is that for parents it requires a minimum effort (very acceptable, by the way) that will give good results. Minimum with what it means to allow them to overdo the fashion video game or television.

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