What do you think would be the ideal school? the question of the week

Every week we ask you the question of the week so that you answer it in our Answers section and at the same time you can vote the answers of the other users.

With the beginning of classes, parents question ourselves many things about our children's school. We face more than ever what we don't like and what we like most for our children. For many parents it is a bit frustrating that the school does not meet the expectations of the type of education they want for them. So today I propose to dream a little to imagine:

What do you think would be the ideal school?

Last week's question

Last week we also asked you about a topic related to going back to school. We ask you Do you think that textbooks should belong to the school to save costs?

The most voted response was that of operata, who told us:

Well, recently reviewed the books "commissioned" by the school for my girl who started this year ... I come warm. At first I think that at least for these ages they should not even exist, because they have nailed me 10 euros for a “book” that is a block of cardboard to paint (with very colorful preprinted edges, yes) and 15 for a book with photos Very beautiful nature that can be found kicking on the Internet (with so much projector and digital board and I do not know why I have to spend those fifteen euros). Second, I doubt the need for textbooks at any age. The teachers and professors I learned the most did not use a textbook (although it turns out that we did buy it. What kind of collusion do they have with publishers to make us buy a book that the teacher will not use or change the entire catalog of books from one year to another? Are parents really obliged to buy the books? I am ignorant and have not found an answer to these two questions). Third, I think it would be more logical that textbooks, if used, were part of the school material, but without that "rent" mentioned, at least in the public system, at least not in a public system that dedicated huge amounts of money to buy a netbook per student did not know very well for what. Taking into account two things: the one that breaks pays and that chosen a textbook is used for five years unless there are causes of force majeure. And fourth, as much as we talk, I do not think that the publishers are going to let loose without fighting the negotiation they have had with this issue for years and years.

Now the new question for this week is now available and remember that you have a week to answer it. Please do so in the Answers section and not responding to this entry. I know that I repeat myself, but if you answer here we can not take them into account for next week.

Video: Question of the Week - "Who Is An Ideal Prom Date?" (July 2024).