Summary of the week from September 4 to 10 in Peques and More

I return after several weeks to tell you what has been going on in the last seven days for Peques and Más. School vacations have been left behind, and we have the memories of all the good times we have had with our children. They are now a little bigger and we continue to strive to be better parents, otherwise, life with children is still full of excitement and surprises.

As I said, I will summarize our contents, so you can get an idea of the main topics we have discussed, always (or almost) focused on school-age children (five to 12 years old). And as they have already joined the classes, we had to give the odd advice on the purchase of school supplies, and speaking of the latter, it is necessary to remember that in the case of allergic children, you should seek information on the presence of allergens . Primary and Infant children are joining during this week, those of Secondary will do it from September 16. We know that this last stage change requires special attention, so we dedicate an entry. And for everyone, the Vuelta al Cole requires an adaptation and knowledge of the resources to turn to during the course, and that is what the SM editorial has to think with this website that has sections for children, parents and teachers

And we all know that going back to school is also preparing the school calendar (and we really liked this one of Toads and Princesses), be careful that the weight of the backpacks does not exceed 10% of the school weight, and think about whether we aim our children to learn English (do you know the Kids & Us aimed at young ages ?)

In the health section, we have talked about the importance of fiber in the prevention of type 2 diabetes, and about the benefits of physical exercise.

We usually talk about technological devices in Peques and More, and on this occasion we wanted to detail the characteristics to be gathered by home television, and the utilities of tablets in the educational environment.

Marcos told us how Steve Jobs schools are being implemented in the Netherlands, and this is one of the highlights of the week, as is the close collaboration developed by Mica Angela Hendrics and her only four-year-old daughter, who gives them a very special touch to the professional cartoons of his mother.

Before saying goodbye until next week, I leave you with these 'super heroes' that brighten the children's stay at the Hospital, while cleaning the crystals, an exceptional initiative, of course.

Video: A Simple Favor Trailer #1 2018. Movieclips Trailers (July 2024).