SiempreSecos develops KiDRY a urine detector to fight bedwetting

The problem of nocturnal enuresis It is not a serious medical problem although it affects 5% of children and adolescents between 5 and 14 years and of which only 10% of cases are treated. There are different treatments for the problem depending on their physiological origin, the pharmacological, which are indicated when enuresis occurs due to a justified medical cause and the behavioral, because there is no medical cause for bedwetting and they consist of techniques to reinforce in the child its innate mechanism of full bladder warning. To this group belong the treatments with urine alarms.

Urine alarms are the solution that obtains the most results in the treatment of nocturnal enuresis. Studies indicate that 70% of children trained between 1 and 3 months with alarms definitely solve their problem. The project Always Dry has solved the weaknesses observed in conventional alarms and has developed KiDRY.

KiDRY It is flexible, soft and comfortable to wear, without cables or rigid parts and can be used both with diaper and underwear. It is hygienic, and durable, since it is made of medical silicone, without recesses, or metal contacts, which deteriorated in a few days upon contact with urine. It is discreet and the alarm has different forms of warning. You can use only the vibration alert or combine it with an external device such as a radio, an alarm clock or even an electronic toy.

The project is in a very advanced stage of development and its managers already have functional prototypes and are planning the manufacture of the product. For finance it, a micro-patronage campaign on the crowdfunding platform Indiegogo, with the aim of making itself known and raise the necessary 20,000 euros to bring the product to market. The project, in addition to enuresis, includes models adapted for the care of babies, people with severe urinary incontinence, dependents and for the care of the elderly. All proposals can be seen on the Always Dry website or on the Indiegogo platform.

We wish you a lot of success to Always Dry with your project and we are sure that you will get the necessary funding to help reduce bedwetting disorders among young people. Although you can contribute from one euro, the product, in lite version, you can get from 35 euros.