The holidays begin and what we do with the children: the difficult reconciliation in summer

Today children finish classes and parents ask the same question every year when they close the doors of schools: What to do with kids on vacation.

With the few reconciliation facilities we have, most parents have to make bobbin lace to organize family life during the summer.

What reconciliation options do we have?

The grandparents "saviors"

What would we do without them! Most families turn to grandparents by taking the children to their home or moving the grandparents to the children's home.

Connecting grandparents with children is not always possible, either because of the busy pace during the school year, or the fact that many families live far from them. Therefore, on vacation some take the opportunity to spend some days at the grandparents' house. It is also the most economical option.

In Babies and more Why is it good for everyone for children to spend vacation days with grandparents

Summer camps

In recent years, the offers of summer camps for children It has grown significantly. Many leisure sites or where children carry out extracurricular activities throughout the year, also organize their own camps in July and August.

In addition to the more traditional ones, the most original proposals have been added, such as cooking, performing arts, science, and public speaking camps, in which children, in addition to having a great time, discover very interesting hobbies.

There are full camps or "half day camps", and for the bravest who dare to sleep away from home, weekly camps.

It is also very fashionable lately housing camps, which are a good option because children entertain themselves without having to leave home.

In Babies and moreThe 17 most original summer camps for children to enjoy the summer of their life

Summer schools

Most of the nursery schools and colleges remain open during the month of July with recreational and leisure activities outside the school program.

It is a very practical solution for From 0 to 3 years They are still too small for the camps. It is more appropriate for them to continue with the routine they had been doing during the year, in the same place, with the same classmates (or some) and the same teachers.

Other care options

Not everything has to be away from home, there are also other forms of childcare, let's call it "more homemade."

You can turn to a trusted person to take care of your children in your home during the hours you are away. In homes where there is a domestic service person during the rest of the year, it is usually the same person who takes care of children during the summer. Otherwise, you should turn to a trusted person that you have been able to supervise before leaving her alone with the child.

There is also the option of girls or boys au-pair, which some families find a good experience. He is usually a young student from another country who comes to Spain to learn our language and in exchange for accommodation and some pocket money, he takes care of the children for a while and helps with household chores as one of the family.

And another less widespread, but that is very practical is that of take turns with a friend, sister-in-law or sister also have children to take care of their children. Holidays at work are requested so that one takes care of everyone's children one week and the other the following week, for example. You can also do it in pairs, and so you will have more flexibility.

Juggling at work

There are parents who ask intensive day at work to leave before and be able to spend the afternoon with the children. There are also that dad and mom are caught holidays in different weeks to cover the longest vacation time of children. The last option is to request unpaid leave for the minimum time necessary.

There are companies that allow teleworking at home in the summer months to reconcile family life, although they are not the majority. Others allow for a flexible entry and exit times.

Whatever your option, what is clear is that there is still much to be done in family reconciliation, and it is more than evident on these dates when classes end and summer vacations begin. How do you organize with the children in the summer? Who takes care of them when you go to work?

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Video: Campaign Wrap-up. Talks Machina (May 2024).