My proposals to change Education

A few days ago, a teacher committed to educational change asked me what I could do from her job to really carry out her own reform in her classroom. I want to share with you my proposals to change education.

Some may seem radical, but they really are at the root of the problem and offer alternatives to help that children learn creatively, happily and developing his natural curiosity and passion.

From my work as co-director of the White Pedagogy program, we are already working directly with parents and teachers who are willing to put their grain of sand on that great transformative mountain that should be the educational change towards emotionally respectful and encouraging quality learning .

If we know that children learn what they love, what interests them, what they are passionate about, it is precisely in this that we must put all our effort into allowing them to enjoy and take the initiative.

Good intentions are not enough, you have to be committed and take action. Perhaps in our hands, individually, we do not have the possibility to change the whole system, but we can change the way we teach, accompany and motivate children. And I assure you that a single child who enjoys a new pedagogy will already be a real change and he will influence many other people throughout his life.

We can do something. And to help you in the next few days I will tell you my proposals to change education from the individual. I also invite you to leave us your comments with your own proposals. Together we can.

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