Easter holidays: have you already packed your bags?

A few days of vacation are approaching again and maybe you are preparing a trip with the children. Leaving home with the kids implies that we should think about many things at the same time, maybe the nerves will take hold of us at some time, but everything is overcome by the illusion, emotion and joy of the shared moments we will spend together.

Travel planning with our children is not a new topic in Peques y Más, on previous occasions we have dedicated spaces to offer suggestions on preparing for departures or traveling by car. I think that one of the issues that worries us the most when we are going to do medium or long distance journeys is 'how will we do to distract the kids'. We have also addressed this issue by talking about the activities that make the trip more bearable, or how to get fun inside the car.

Today we wanted to focus on two other aspects that should be planned in advance:

We prepare the suitcases

Children get dirty more easily than adults (according to my children because they have more fun, and they don't lack reason), so the general recommendation is to think about wear clothes so you can change them every day, including additional full clothing to 'save unforeseen', as well as three additional changes of underwear that correspond to dressing them every day.

If you are lucky enough to make a long trip (a week or more), it is advisable to put a small dose of the usual soap in your father or mother's suitcase. And also be clear how we are going to wash (In the campsites there are laundry rooms, in the community washing machine apartment complexes, and the hotels also usually have solutions provided). Travel irons are useful, although well-laid clothes just after washing, often does not require ironing.

In the task of filling suitcases or travel bags your children can be involved, they are very excited to collaborate, and the truth is that in practice it doesn't matter much that the arrangement of your clothes is not what you would have expected. Let them choose a story and a small toy for each one, and remind them to include the tools for cleaning: brush and paste, comb, cologne, etc. We will also put a plastic bag to bring dirty clothes back home.

The kids usually have more than one pair of shoes or slippers: we will include at least some sports shoes and walking shoes. Do not forget the raincoat even if the weather forecast is sunny days, it occupies little and gives us peace of mind (we are far from home and we cannot go back for it if time is distorted).

And in the suitcase of the daddies will go the first aid kit, the soap and the documentation that you are going to need (sanitary cards, passports, ID of the children, etc.)… in addition to all your things.

What will you do during the holidays?

It is not that we have to plan with too much detail, because this would reduce spontaneity and flexibility to the trip, but it is convenient to know a priori some of the possibilities offered by the chosen destination. Namely: playgrounds, museums, theme parks, beaches, hotel activities, sports (There may be a mini golf nearby, or there is a Nature route that can be done on rented bicycles, etc.).

In short, a trip with children goes well (for sure) if focuses with joy, good humor and desire to have fun. Planning is necessary, and should be done in advance so that we can be calm about it.

Surely you win are not missing, and ideas are not, but for those moments when the last ones falter, we remind you of some of the resources that have been appearing on our page. They are Traveling Moms, Families on the Road, Family Tourism Guide for the province of Valencia, trips to the West of France, or the offers of HostelsBrokers.

Before finishing, remind you of some of the tips aimed at drivers, because above all a trip must be safe. Do not forget to carry in your handbag a small supply of water and food suitable for the trip. You should also check the weather forecast here (for example) and the state of the roads in the DGT.

Happy Holidays! And Happy trip for those of you who are lucky enough to do it!

Video: Preparing for an Emergency. Mommy Monday (July 2024).