Arduino is a robot so that students can get closer to robotics learning

Complubot is a project that identifies the students of a robotics classroom of the AMPA of the Miguel Hernández Public School in Alcalá de Henares. It is also the name chosen to publicize the Educational Robotics Contest held annually by the center.

When reading that the activities carried out in this activity are aimed at children aged 8 to 16, and that former students of the school (attending Secondary Education), it is not surprising to us that Lottie Lemon has been developed by very young people since 2003 They have been experimenting, testing and learning programming and robotics concepts and practices.

The creation of Arduino Robot (Lottie Lemon during its development stage) allows Students from Primary to University can approach robotics.

Lottie Lemon does not pretend to be the best solution to a specific problem, our goal has been to provide a simple, stable and very economical platform that can be experienced in comfort and simplicity

This robot It is customizable and economical, and different sensors can be integrated to customize its functions: of light, temperature, contact, distance or IR, among others. As it is an open platform, it guarantees a large community of users, the possibility to learn how it is done and propose improvements.

Complubot has made this new robot possible with many functions within education, and it has been possible with the collaboration of the Arduino team. It can be programmed like any Arduino board but, to simplify its use, a high level library has been developed that facilitates programming. Finally, it has several anchor points that serve to place accessories and transform the appearance of the robot.

I loved the statement of one of the creators of Arduino: the young Nerea states in the video recorded two years ago that 'building robots is a magical experience: you have an idea and make it work'. This robot continues to speak today: The result of several years of effort has been seen in public presentations and well deserved awards.

We send you our congratulations, and our wishes for success.

Video: Top 3 programming languages for Robotics (July 2024).