How to make a time capsule for children to play on New Year's Eve

Tonight we will end the year 2012, and although the date itself is still a mere process, we all have fun saying goodbye to the period in a special way. Adults already know that tomorrow will be a day like (or almost because it is a holiday) others, and that good purposes must accompany us every day of our life, and yet it is nice to organize a special date and ensure that the date constitutes a reason for meeting with family and friends.

The children can help us prepare dinner, and get involved in organizing a family New Year's Eve, but their tasks are very specific, and that is why they have a lot of free time during the night. They may need our help to occupy it. We are re-ordering the garage (which has been resigned to become a large game room for all the kids in the neighborhood), and we will let all friends come together after dinner to play whatever they want, as they usually do . Although today I will introduce a special element for each of the children knocking at the door: the time capsule.

I am collecting boxes of varied shapes, and if possible small ones: a large yogurt container with a lid, a baby shoe box, an empty canister of soluble cocoa, etc. It's about each of them having their own 'time capsule'

What do we need?

  • (Per child): a box, a sheet of colors, markers or pencils, scissors, seal, wrapping paper, gomets or other items to decorate.

How to make our time box?

Each child you must have a sheet of paper and cardboard on which they will write: the name of their best friend, a wish for next year, what they like most about the world they live in, and what they would change, what sport they like (or the instrument they play), what they dined, their hobbies, the trip they dream about, the things they don't like at all, who they would like to be next year's Christmas with, how many teeth they have fallen, how much they measure ... and anything that comes to mind that helps them see each other reflected. It is better for everyone to answer the same questions, because it can happen that the same children meet in a year.

The box, boat or jar will be decorated with decorated paper and gomets, and the paper will be inserted inside, previously cut if necessary. Finally it is covered and sealed to store it.

The purpose

It's about when 365 days pass, the children dust the boxes stored on their shelves, take out the paper and read it. Surely you will be surprised to see how they have changed. It is an entertaining exercise with a vision of the future, which surely everyone likes to do.

Also, if you are going to spend New Year's Eve with children, Surely you will not mind letting them participate, and preparing a selection of readings and board games to have a good time, TV also helps, although many children get tired of inactivity. In this post last year we explained how to make wishes with the kids for the next 12 months.

Happy New Year!