"Something remains in our nature as wild women." Interview with psychologist Andrea Luraschi (II)

As we promised yesterday we continue today interviewing psychologist Andrea Luraschi, entering, from his hand, in the emotional universe of the pregnant mother and, in general, in the experience of motherhood both from the point of view instinctive and from that of current women.

Are we mothers instinctively or is it a personal and cultural construction?

If you are a mother today in full urban, technified culture, more and more autistic, it is undoubtedly a cultural and personal construction, there is little left, only the rudiments of instinct, which the hegemonic medical paradigm has reduced with the excessive medicalization or instrumentation of health processes.

But as we are also mammalian animals, something remains of our nature as wild women.

We are struck precisely by that part, the pure intuitive-instinctive, which connects us to motherhood from our own feminine being.

The fear of childbirth is a social construction, which cinematography and patriarchy have reinforced by generating paralyzing fears and fears, turning women into passive subjects at a time that should be of maximum personal power, such as childbirth.

Do these deep emotional changes reach all women or do some hide them from themselves?

I would tell you that if you have decided on a generalized, normativized motherhood, you will not question many things and bow your head.

On the other hand, if you ask yourself to be, to your own being, for many situations, it is most likely that you are opening your being to a total transformative experience that is itself as a subjective experience of motherhood. I speak of this experience, as something beyond giving birth.

How would you explain what motherhood entails in a woman's life?

I have never been able to answer that question. I think every day I find a new meaning. I could finish discovering it in all my walk in life, hopefully. In principle I believe that motherhood is something like a milestone in a woman's life, a peak experience, beyond the body record, of whether there has been birth or not, of the type of birth, of whether she is an adoptive or biological mother .

I believe that it is undoubtedly the deepest experience of love, is to donate to another, or “other”, lovingly, giving everything, leaving aside our own fears, holding them with love that feeds on the woman's own love for yourself. Without this, there is no full, positive motherhood, only symptoms that inevitably transfer to those children.

And the couple, what should be their ideal role in this new path that is to start a family?

The couple must be nothing more than a couple. This is that the father must not be a jealous child of the other who will come, nor a hysterical competitor, not impatient, not fugitive from responsibilities, but must be a well-planted male, who wishes to be a father (and mother) from his own desire of love to that woman and that unborn baby, that fulfills the function of guarantor of that child, of shield, of support and support for that woman willing to give (her) life.

Many times, I meet those colleagues who are like children in the office. The woman is trapped, pierced by the demands of those insecure little men who have not learned to love.

Men must give love to their partners and their children to be parents, humbly move away from the scene, while seeing that they are very valuable in that motherhood, because thanks to their loving and life-creating intervention, that couple will consolidate their ma /paternity.

Are we very disconnected and lost current parents?

Just as I meet these parents children, also, I also meet the new generations, of men proud to play that manly role, which makes them givers of unconditional love and generators of life.

It is wonderful to meet men so they enable the development of a healthy motherhood, and have a positive impact on themselves and their offspring. Renewing your own partner.

You carry out workshops and courses specially designed for the health and emotional psychoprophylaxis of the pregnant woman. How do you approach them?

Returning to my work, I have developed, for these shortcomings, a Personal Development Program for pregnant women called “Full Pregnancy” through, it is the only program aimed at pregnant women and consists of experiential workshops and psychotherapy sessions for the woman and / or her partner, and personalized activities, and of prenatal stimulation for the unborn babies, and of preparation at the arrival of the baby, and after accompaniment in the postpartum, starting with the elaboration of the experience of childbirth, That is very important to perform.

Thank you very much, Andrea, for the time you have dedicated to us.

A pleasure to talk with you, Mireia and at your entire disposal, yours and your readers, thank you for having arranged a time for this meeting between women, if you are interested in my task, you can contact me via web www.mamitrabaja.com.ar.

We finish this interview with psychologist Andrea Luraschi, which we have published in two parts and that we hope will help you better understand the emotional needs and psychological changes of mothers.

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