Dads and Moms Blogs (CXLV)

Tuesday, and therefore, we are going to offer you, as we usually do, our review of the posts that we liked most in the moms and dads blogs.

We start with a new blog, Parenting attachment is my way of changing the world, in which Elvis and Janeth explain their way of breeding with love and freedom, although sometimes they feel green Martians in a world without nuances.

Beatriz Coronas, in the blog of Educarpetas, it reminds us of the emotion of when we were at the beginning of a completely in love relationship and how that love became more serene, inviting us to make a parallel with the love our little children feel for us to better understand their need and urgency for Our company. A post that all mothers and fathers should read.

Mami Koala It invites us to reflect on emotions, which not only serve as the assets of the individual, but also prepare him to make decisions, developing emotional intelligence and empathy.

Ileana, in We got boobs says a vignette that exalts the sacrifice of mothers, but warns us that this message is a great mistake, because loving parenting is born from shared pleasure and should not be a burden that makes us suffer.

Nohemí, of Mimes and Tit he wonders where the need arises to breastfeed in places hidden from the sight of others or to cover the baby he sucks to the point of preventing him from looking at his mother or the world.

Vivian, from A mother is born He tells us about the women who, for whatever reason, spend their pregnancy alone and remember that, more than having a partner, the most important thing is to feel calm and happy, protected by the environment.

Myriam Moya, a blogger with a special talent when writing, tells us in Lowercase 26 curious things about the colecho: the cushions, the night breastfeeding, the tenderness, the end of the insmonio, the listening to his daughter when he dreams aloud ... so many tender and fun things that we share the ones we sleep with our children.

We finish with Eloísa, from A Different Maternity, who, outraged, explains that he should be ashamed of the managers of the Hospital de la Paz in Madrid to prevent children from being accompanied when they are admitted, despite posting on their page the Rights of the Hospitalized Child, violating the rights and denying To children their needs. And he is absolutely right.

We will continue, this week, visiting the moms and dads blogs to be able to offer you a new review next week. And meanwhile, we invite you to leave in the comments of this post the address of your blogs so that we can visit them.

Video: Chef Mom vs. Chef Dad Challenge. Kids Try. HiHo Kids (July 2024).