Postpartum skin care

Hormonal changes, fatigue or nerves to adapt to a new situation, are factors that they can affect our skin, so today we are going to dedicate our special Postpartum Care. At the end of the day, although we have some problem, it is also the surface where our baby is most comfortable and deserves all our attention.

The complexion: Stains or acne, two usual

If you had acne in adolescence or are prone to it, it is likely that during pregnancy it has manifested itself again. After childbirth it tends to disappear, but it does not hurt to follow a good hygiene routine; Remove makeup every night, and wash our face with a specific soap or without detergent, but without abusing cleaning or scrubs as they can make us produce more fat.

When choosing a moisturizer, it is better that it is fluid and if we have any mark or scar left by the granites, the essential oil of chamomile (ideal to apply before bedtime) will help us improve the appearance of the skin, in addition to relaxing, That never hurts.

Even though this acne It is usually hormonal, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, without abusing fried and refined flour or very fatty foods is also important to return our usual appearance to our complexion.


During pregnancy they can also occur spots on the skin, what we know as chloasma or melasma, which after it also have to attenuate by itself. A gentle exfoliation and always use a good sunscreen will ensure good results, but if the problem still persists, it is better to consult with the doctor before starting to use whitening cosmetics or perform some other type of treatment.

Dry skin, stretch marks or sagging, need maximum hydration

During pregnancy the skin stretches, undergoes changes and that translates into dryness and in the appearance of stretch marks. As we had already mentioned, it is so important to moisturize the skin on the outside as well as on the inside, so we should try to choose antioxidant foods, rich in vitamins and minerals that help us produce collagen, largely present in fruits, vegetables and cereals. integral.

Some blue fish are also recommended for their contribution of essential fatty acids, and of course if we have to choose a better drink, always choose water.

Vegetable oils are a good option to moisturize our skin, although we can also opt for a nourishing cream, specific for dry skin or stretch marks.

If what worries us is the sagging In some areas of the body, both a varied and healthy diet and good hydration are also essential for the skin to gradually recover its smoothness, although it will be necessary to gradually incorporate the exercise to strengthen the abdomen, reaffirm the chest or gain firmness in buttocks and hips.

If the problem persists there is always the option of cosmetic surgery, although it is something to think calmly, study with the doctor and especially leave for much later, at least 6 months or one year after delivery.

And you, how do you take care of your skin? Have you noticed many differences after pregnancy?

Photos | allnightavenue | The Road is home In Jared Beauty | Basic shower tips for extremely dry skin In Babies and more | Why do I get acne during pregnancy?

Video: Postpartum Body Care. Sunina Young (July 2024).