Games in the mountains for children: in search of hidden treasure

Despite being at the end of October, the cold has not yet arrived and we can continue enjoying sunny days and good weather to spend in nature with our children. One way to take advantage of these days is to go out to the forest (or to a park you don't have nearby) and play hide notes and treasures in nature with children.

One way to call this game could be: pounding In nature. It has occurred to me to call it that, honoring the mailboxes of American houses that I like so much.

The game buzzing in nature tries to hide an object / treasure (stored in an airtight container) in some corner that we have found in nature. Then, we will hide clues in different places that indicate the way to find this treasure. If the children are young we can draw pictures to indicate the clues.

How to play hide the clues "buzzing in nature"

  • First of all we will look for a hiding place (between two stones, under a bunch of dry eyes, under a log, in a puddle ...).
  • Then we will draw a map of the place (placing the trees, if there is any camping tent ...).
  • We will distribute the tracks around the place (above all we must remember the places where they are, for this we can make our own map). In each track we will write the keys to find the next track. The last clue will give us the key to reach the hidden treasure place.

We can play this game with other families, that they hide their treasures and put their tracks and we ours, then each one that is left with the prize / treasure that has touched him.

Photos via | ednl, ryanrocketship,

Video: Skylanders Buried Treasure Mountain Jackpot Surprise The Dig Hunt 4 RARES $$$$ (July 2024).