Tips to recover the figure after childbirth: Buttocks and hips

Apart from the increase in volume in the chest and abdomen, other parts of the body in which fat also accumulates during pregnancy are the buttocks, thighs and hips, so today in our Special Postpartum Care we are going to talk about which exercises are the most suitable to work them, always accompanied by a good diet.

As always we will have to wait to recover well from childbirth, before resuming any sporting activity and be patient since the changes will be noticed little by little. A fact in favor is that during lactation the accumulated fats in this area tend to move more easily, since it increases the formation of lipids for milk production, so naturally we will also lose weight and recovering the form.

Aerobic exercise to eliminate fat

Although localized exercises are going well to tone, it is not possible to eliminate localized fat only with them, since the body as needed needs to use the reserves that we have indiscriminately, so to reach everywhere (areas with more accumulation they are the most expensive to reduce) aerobic exercise with which to burn calories and fat in general.

We had already commented that a good idea is to start with go for a walk and increase the pace and speed of the rides. Running is a good option and when our physical condition allows it we can also take advantage of the exercise bike on our trips, to buy, to work… since it is difficult to have a lot of time to dedicate it exclusively to sports.

Cycling about 30 minutes we can lose up to 300 calories, so getting used to moving by bike when we can is a good habit with which we will gain health while recovering our figure.

Squats and stairs, two essential to strengthen

The star exercise to work buttocks, hips and thighs is to the squats, we can also do it anywhere without the need for a specific equipment. Of course, we must always watch to keep the back straight and notice the weight of the body mainly on the heels, instead of on the toes, to verify that we are performing the movement correctly and avoid discomfort or injury.

Looking forward, when flexing the knees and hips to lower and rise we should not bend the legs more than 90 degrees, that is, do not let the knees exceed the toes. Our Vitónica colleagues explain how to perform squats well. It is advisable to start with a small number (5, 10 ... as we find ourselves), which we can perform daily and gradually increase it. Over time the results are noticed.

Something that we can also practice easily is the go down and up stairs, leaving the elevator only for when it is essential. In the following video you can see how to do it so that the exercise is effective:

If you dare when you have a moment you can take advantage of the stairs of a park or even of the house to go up and down several times, at a good pace but without running or jumping. It is an exercise that It helps a lot to tone and that at the same time also contributes to losing weight.

As always being constant and not in a hurry is essential, not forgetting that the curves are beautiful! so you don't have to obsess about ending them either. Strengthening them, giving them firmness and eliminating excess fat is a realistic long-term goal that will make us feel good and look much better.

Photos | Comrade Foot | agnesgtr In Vitónica | How to work buttocks in five minutes In Babies and more | Baby Bouncy: Calm the baby while hardening the buttocks

Video: How To Relieve Hip, Lower Back and Buttock Pain: Piriformis Myofascial Release Technique (July 2024).