Learning the sixth month together: a giant step, a snail step

How happy is the celebration of the sixth month of the baby. It is as if an invisible border had been crossed, that of the 6 months, your pride as a father or mother and the changes in the little one tells you. On the other side there is no other language and culture but other customs, small changes begin for you that will be almost pantagruleic for him: from the food, even sleep or games. We all deserve a prize and the best for the baby is to play, have fun and continue dreaming.

What is the best passport for this new trip?

Elementary, dear Watson

He third trimester It has arrived and you feel more successful than a Tour winner. Your teammate, your little one, is already a great champion, is already sitting, is more autonomous and has another perspective of his environment, that of a detective hound in the manner of Sherlock Holmes, without smoking pipe but with much curiosity . Touch, test, inspect, investigating, biting and sucking will be his infallible methods of investigation and with them he will be able to solve even the greatest puzzle for him: what is this new world around me and by what laws is it governed?

In full investigation which hound comes a magical moment for him, to discover that what he does has consequences , that he is an independent person to his parents and that when he provokes some action, from laughing to throwing an object, things move in his world. He also begins to realize that those things that disappear from his vision, Eureka, have not ceased to exist! ... throwing an object and then searching for it becomes the greatest adventure of our Indiana Baby. Meanwhile, we assist drooling to his new achievements and one of the most anticipated moments, the babbling.

Game of Thrones

Little by little he wants to occupy his throne in the world, at home and in the family. His body is already more prepared for such need: what a joy it was to contemplate how hands They were more precise of my little one and his method of infallible exploration, how his visual and manual coordination improved by giant steps and how he could now distend the muscles of his hands and do with them what he wanted. At this time the block games They become the best companion for a hound.

Huge snail steps

That games Are they the most appropriate for an adventurer of this age in full expedition? After a blanket, or a gym that will adapt to its growth, it is time to enter the exciting world of blocks. The adventure will reach its peak, with no enemies to beat or dangers to stalk us.

Within the block games I love the Snail Blocks and Music. Issue a cheerful melody and allows you to stack and fit the blocks inside an endearing little friend that will also help you discover the exciting animal fauna that awaits you in your next adventures. In its shell you can store 10 blocks of striking colors included, which together with its different shapes of triangle, star, flower, and even the face of the snail will become the most incredible expedition.

Every adventurer has a goal, our Indiana baby will be filled with pride when, when he manages to fit the blocks into the snail's body, it sways and sounds a melody. The treasure will have been reached!

In Happy Learning Space | We learn together the third month: blanket of fun activities