Technology vs. traditional games: what do children lose in front of screens?

This comparison may seem absurd in these times, and that nobody believes that I deny technology (here, in front of the screens and online ...), not even for children. But following a recent boat trip I have considered the differences between technological and traditional entertainment For the little ones.

Specifically, I have analyzed what children get lost in front of the screens instead of entertaining with traditional games. Surely they also win some things, but that's another topic ...

My daughters opt for traditional and technological play only sporadically, which is when we allow parents. Because at the moment they do not have their own “cacharritos” and when they use ours it is with our permission and never alone.

The situation I could see on the ship is the following: two children of similar ages to mine (three and four years old) who in four hours they didn't take off from the screens (iPad and game console).

Meanwhile, my daughters were certainly not so still (which I imagine is something that the parents responsible for the children see positive), but they did many activities. We strolled the ship discovering many corners, watching dolphins, participating in the games and crafts of children's entertainment, taking pictures here and there ...

I don't know what children are most entertained with, but I am sure of several things that happen if children are stuck to the screens for so long:

  • They do not interact with the family, or do much less. As the girls don't go alone on the boat, we were always mom or dad with them.

  • They do not know other people, other children and adults (of those who do not change places if there are children nearby) with whom they play and chat.

  • Do not speak. I know that my daughters will not know how to speak more for four hours of talk, but those stimuli have been lost, there are new words that they will learn at another time. Of course, there are applications that focus on expanding or strengthening children's vocabulary.

  • They don't move from the seat, and as we know, sedentary lifestyle is an enemy of health. I do not know if those children who spend many hours in front of the screens later are great athletes and exercise more than others, but in any case four hours are many hours sitting, being able to move. Of course, there are video consoles like the Wii that make us move, although, put to choose, I prefer a more real tennis match ...

  • The view gets tired being continuously focused on looking so closely. The habitual thing is that the eye is alternating the vision of near and far (the same happens if we spend reading a lot of time and neither we are going to demonize the books…). On the changes of color and brightness of the screen there are diverse opinions as to the effect on the view; In any case, abuse is discouraged and alternate video games with other activities.

  • They don't learn new games (or at most they know new video games, but they usually "get hooked" to the same game during a good season). This makes the imagination fly less.

  • They do not learn about the environment through direct contact, through real experiences, much richer than if they are through the screens. Since we have a chance to see dolphins or a lifeboat up close, let's take advantage of it.

In short, although this article has focused on the opposite, technology has many good things, and video games give children some experiences that they cannot live through traditional games, there are even specific games to treat some disabilities or Learning problems…

We have said on many occasions that moderate use and in the company of the elderly is perfect, and we also remind you of our tips for learning and enjoying video games.

But also the screens have some drawbacks if excessive or prolonged use is made of them. Above all, if you fail to appreciate the immense possibilities of traditional games and the only objective is "to be still."