Teaching self-esteem

We return, within our Maternity and Paternity Course, to the crucial issue of child self-esteem. Today we will talk about how parents can teach children what self-esteem is and improve it.

Self-esteem is something that develops in the child in a natural way, although there are undoubtedly internal and external factors that can favor or decrease it. The parents, as I said, We are the main agents of the child's self-esteem and we can, with our actions, teach it.

We offer you some tips that you can apply so that your children grow more confident in themselves, more aware of their rights, their needs and their abilities.

Praise your children

We all like and it makes us feel very well that a loved and admired person highlight our good qualities and value our efforts. For our children that dear and admired person is us.


They are seen in our eyes, they are built with our words, so our power is very great and we must exercise it consciously and responsibly.

It is not that we should exalt them until they believe they are superior to others and, of course, in our praises avoid pejorative comments about others or comparisons. You just have to remind them how wonderful, beautiful and good they are, how much we love them and how beautiful our life is just by having them by our side.

Encourage your children

When the child faces a task it is very important to let him know that we know and value his effort, cheering him on, emphasizing the advanced, without glorifying the final result and without lying if it can be improved.

Also, that will make them have less fear of failure and dare with new challenges, activities and environments, because we will have transmitted that they can do what they set out and that they will have our unconditional support.

The trust, knowing their own successes and seeing the effort recognized will make them grow with a solid foundation. That we encourage them to face challenges and overcome difficulties will help them build healthy self-esteem.

Let's recognize who they are, not what we wish they were

Allow children to be who they are, not what others, not even us, would want it to be or become. Not all children follow in their parents' footsteps. Some will be natural athletes, while others will be outstanding students. Others will be independent, creative, active or sweet and loving children. Learning to value the individuality of our children will be essential so that they also value themselves and do not compare themselves with others.

Of course we should never criticize them for their physical appearance or their sports qualities, or because of their lack of speed in studies, much less tease or compare them with others. Of course, if there is a real problem of being overweight, of course, we have an obligation to establish routines and healthy habits that help you improve your health.


Be sociable and have friends It is something that makes us all happier in life and is a value that must be reinforced in them, offering them opportunities to develop healthy relationships and bonds with other children.

But it is important that they understand that no true friend will ask you to do something dangerous or wrong or to harm or make fun of another person. If we accept them for being as they are, they must also respect others and not reject them, although, as I have explained on other occasions, if you have to feel endorsed in order not to relate to people who add or aggregate others.

In this, as in everything else, what matters most is not what we tell them, but our example. It is a good thing to talk with them a lot and maintain a sincere confidence, so that they can come and tell us situations that they don't like, sure that we will listen to them and help them manage them.

If we are careful with our friends, healthy in human relationships and inflexible about assaulting or rejecting others, they will learn it. If we do the opposite of what we say, the message will be negative and there will be no way we will regain your trust.

Our duty as parents is to give them the tools to teach them how to increase their self-esteem and be aware of how important our example is for them to grow that way, happy and confident in themselves.

Video: Building Self-esteem in Children (May 2024).