In summer eating out on the terraces with children is a healthy nutrition option

Now that summer is coming one of the coolest options for lunch or dinner with the kids is take them to a terrace to live a family meal, with friends or who else you fancy. It is important choose restaurants that admit children, which include high chairs so that the children can access the table. If they also include areas for games, option of workshops or specific children's menus then much better. Although the most important thing is that have fun with a healthy meal.

So you can choose some appetizers for snacks in which children can participate with meals such as olives, anchovies (fried or pickled), potatoes in any form of presentation that is chosen: ali-oli, bravas or fried or any more international option Like the nachos. And all accompanied by a bubbly soda or water that is very refreshing and healthy.

It is very important that the site allows children to have conditioned spaces for after lunch or dinner. The towns squares allow or the areas of the shopping centers or the promenades by the sea or the hotels in which the common space can be shared as a playground. A good garden with well protected playgrounds It is a fantastic place for kids to get distracted and play with their siblings or friends. And in case of much sun do not forget the hats.

For him second course The best thing is something very attractive or common for children like a steak with potatoes or some hamburgers. Also the fish option, with something fried like anchovies or chopitos or some soles to make the children also eat healthy. In addition we always have chicken or tortillas, potatoes or any other food, so that the children feed well.


And for dessert I like ice cream for children. Although the options of fruit or milk, well accompanied, are also sufficient to enjoy a good meal.

It is also very interesting to choose restaurants with good views, with attractive landscapes and that runs the air. Is preferable to leave the city to escape the high temperatures and approach an environment by the sea or at the foot of the mountain or by a river or a lake.

On the Internet there are plenty of attractive sites to inform you of the best places to eat. One of the most consulted at home is which is full of experiences and recommendations from others who, like us, were, saw, ate and told what they thought. Although not everything is reliable it is always good to know why some found it more or less attractive.

Enjoy the meal with the kids and tell us your best family experiences.

Video: 10 Amazing Disneyland Foods You Can Eat For Cheap (July 2024).