Grownies is a website to exchange clothes for children between 0 and 8 years old

On the Internet you can find almost everything and you can inform yourself quite well to make purchasing decisions. When there are also sites on the Internet like Grownies They make it so easy for you to understand that the crisis we are living has part of its origin in that now companies no longer sell to customers but it is they who buy you.

And to facilitate purchase decisions Joan Marc García has launched Grownies. It is a service that extends the face-to-face exchange of children's clothing between friends and family for use by any family in Spain. The website is very easy to use with many attendees, great usability and also leverages in the use of social networks to enhance the dissemination of service among families.

Grownies proposes the Children's fashion exchange throughout Spain using the Internet. The objective is that families who have children's clothing that has been disused and that is in perfect condition make it available to those who demand it. The service, available for all of Spain, is very simple. It is about grouping the garments in batches and offering them to those who demand them. In this process, credits are obtained to request clothes from other sellers.

One credit is allocated for each lot offered. A lot consists of between 6 and 8 items and each time a lot from another family is requested, the credit is decremented by one unit. In other words, it is intended that all participate by buying and selling lots. In addition, the credit can be increased by two units if solidarity lots are bought and sent to NGOs. All information is available on its website.

The prices are very reasonable because a lot of up to eight garments reaches a price of 15.95 euros, including transport, that is, less than two euros per pledge. In addition that the products of the children are between 0 and 8 years ensures, by the growth of the children, that the clothes will not have much jogging and that it can still be used for a few months.

What I liked least is that you need to register to access the service. And it is a process of including fields such as name, surname, city, etc. I find it very heavy. Although the form is filled in very quickly and the design is very visual and attractive. And also I'm worried about carvings Because each brand carves at your own pace. An explanation is lacking with information more adjusted to the size of the children.

Y What I liked the most is the search engine, which allows you to find very fast information and the product sheet with images of the garments and description made by the seller.

It seems to me that it is a very good service that needs a sufficient critical mass to work and that surely can be achieved at the moment in which we are. And it is not necessary to have patched pants as many years ago in Spain and with services as complete as Grownies you can get products so that our children are very well dressed.

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