Postpartum sexuality

One of the concerns that most frequently appears after giving birth is when to resume sexual activity. Have information about the postpartum sexuality It will help the couple to understand the different moments they will go through.

While there is no exact time to resume sex life, it will depend on each couple and their circumstances, doctors usually advise waiting for the period called quarantine (from six to eight weeks) for the woman's body to rest and recover.

In any case, it is advisable not start before the woman feels well physically and emotionally and prepared for it.

Why don't I feel like it?

In addition to the lack of sexual appetite, caused by physical, hormonal and psychological changes, there are typical postpartum symptoms that make it difficult to carry out a satisfactory sexual relationship, and may even cause pain and, consequently, decrease the desire to have sexual relations.

This would be the case of the vaginal dryness, what loquios, he breast pain, the cracks in the nipples, the pain caused by the episiotomy, etc. It is advisable that the woman don't force yourself and take steps at your own pace, consulting with your doctor or midwife any questions that may arise.

On the other hand, the tiredness, worry and stress that entails adaptation to the new situation are more than enough reasons for at those moments Do not consider sex as a priority. However, be careful to take it as a long-term excuse for not maintaining relationships.

There are few women who after the arrival of their son completely abandon their sex life and take many months to resume it. Is positive strive to cultivate this plot and gradually feed the desire. Communication with the couple at this time is key to achieve it and so that he does not feel rejected or injured.

What can be done

Not only is there a way to enjoy sex. In fact, intercourse is just one more part of the couple's sex life. Therefore, if the penetration bothers or hurts even after the first few weeks and the doctor does not advise against it, they can be tested if desired. other sexual practices which will also promote privacy.

It is important for the couple to look for other forms of satisfaction. For example, there are some erogenous zones that are not influenced by postpartum symptoms, such as the neck, the back of the knees, ears or neck, among others. With kisses, caresses and other manual practices you can stimulate these areas and prepare the body for other practices.

On the other hand, the woman can go exercising her body through Kegel exercises, which consist of a series of contraction movements of the vagina to strengthen muscle tone.

Picking up intercourse

The time has come, the couple feels ready to resume sexual intercourse, but when and how?

First of all you have to choose a moment with which you will enjoy privacy and time. For example, if necessary you can leave the baby with the grandparents or some other family member and celebrate a romantic dinner, go to a hotel or look for a place where you want to go.

When restarting sexual relations it is important to devote time and attention to preliminary games, since they prepare the vagina for intercourse and can alleviate the fear of the inconvenience of penetration, if it existed. If necessary, you can also use a lubricant that facilitates the penetration, incorporating it like a game more of the preliminaries.

Postpartum Contraception

Although during the period of breastfeeding it is not likely to become pregnant, due to the effect of prolactin, the truth is that It is not impossible. Nor can one know when the first ovulation or the first menstruation will take place. Therefore it is highly recommended that contraceptive methods be used when sexual intercourse is resumed.

While it is true that there are many contraceptive methods, not all of them are recommended as long as the mother continues to breastfeed her child. To choose the one that best suits your needs, you should talk to your doctor and both will decide the most suitable.

Photos | ardenswayoflife, Mike Gonzalez, on Flickr.
In Babies and more | Sexual intercourse after childbirth, Yes you can get pregnant after childbirth.