Eating five servings of fruits and vegetables a day is good for your health

Fruits and vegetables are very necessary nutrients for our body. We all know that they are a source of vitamins, minerals, fiber and water, what happens is that sometimes we do not know how to get them to the children's diet. This is why in our Special Healthy Food, we speak in your day about the attractive presentation of these foods.

5 a day is a non-profit association whose strategy is the dissemination of the message: "Fruits and Vegetables: 5 a day! Good for health." The entity is formed by 5 entities that collaborate in the disclosure to the consumer of the health benefits of consuming five daily servings of fresh fruits and vegetables and in improving the eating habits of our society.

Objectives that are intended to spread the message among society:

  • Report on the health benefits of daily consumption of at least 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables.

  • Influence the improvement of the eating habits of our society.

  • Disseminate the message "Fruits and Vegetables: 5 a day! Good for health"

  • Increase the per capita consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables of the Spanish population until reaching the recommended level.

The Fruit and Vegetable intake is basic in healthy eating. Regular consumption of fruit represents in our diet a pillar of dietary balance and the safety of a correct supply of certain vitamins.

Vegetables combine their low energy and fat value, with a very valuable contribution of numerous vitamins and minerals. They are a source of accessible and pleasant fiber, and represent the main source of vitamin C and bioactive substances in our diet. These are among many others the benefits of fruits and vegetables. Do not wait to introduce them in your daily diet, "5 a day" tells you how to do it

Ideas to introduce fruit and vegetables in our diet:

1.-Breakfast: It is the most important meal of the day. Our agency will appreciate the daily breakfast with fresh fruit. We can also opt for dried fruits, in juice or even as topping in yogurts or accompanying whole grains in low-fat milk. A very Mediterranean and healthy option is to take grated tomato on a toast of bread and virgin olive oil.

2.-Mid-morning: It is very common for this food to be "tarnished" by the consumption of products high in fat, salt and sugars. We will avoid it if with a little foresight we prepare a tupper with chopped seasonal fruit: strawberries, melon, apple, pineapple, etc. or we take the fruit as is: a banana, some medlars, cherries, etc. We can also take as a snack, a carrot, celery stalks, cucumber strips or some cherry tomatoes accompanying a small sandwich of fresh cheese or lean meat.

A healthy recommendation: 5 daily meals. Another recommendation in that line: at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Do you still think it is difficult to introduce them into your diet? We show you how easy and simple it is, you will no longer have excuses for not taking care of yourself

3.-Food: In the meal, we must consume a greater amount of food and more varied, but we must not fall into the binge, so it is essential not to skip breakfast or the recommendation of mid-morning. Vegetables can be introduced in multiple ways: as a main dish (mixed stew, mixed salad, barbecue of vegetables, purees, etc.), as an accompaniment to meat, fish, rice or pasta, and as the main ingredient in the preparation of main dishes: risotto de asparagus and mushrooms, chicken sauteed with vegetables and nuts, pasta with artichokes and young garlic or baked sea bass with poached. And finally do not forget that the dessert par excellence is fresh fruit.

4.-Snack: During the afternoon we must ingest approximately 10% of the daily energy intake. Let's try to run away from industrial pastries and sweets. Fresh fruits, nuts, skim milk and whole wheat bread are the most advisable option for experts.

5.-Dinner: We must not forget that the relationship between dinner and a good sleep is direct, since digestion influences our rest so the recommendation is to make a light dinner and at least two hours before going to bed. Following this recommendation we propose you to prepare a salad of tender vegetables and incorporate hard boiled egg, tuna or fresh cheese to make it more complete. Even add citrus, apple and other fruits that will bring a very nice fresh touch.

In winter, purees and vegetable broths are very appetizing. Now that the good temperatures begin we can replace them with creams of tempered vegetables. Another option would be to season our egg, fish or meat dishes with grilled or sauteed vegetables, not forgetting the dessert fruit.

Finally, remember that the recommendations of the experts are committed to a varied consumption that includes all food groups in 5 daily doses. If we make our meals varied and we keep in mind "5 a day", in addition to avoiding falling into the routine, our body will thank us

I think that with all these ideas that have provided us with '5 a day', we already have resources to successfully introduce (or consolidate) vegetables and fruits into the diet of the whole family. Our body will be grateful, and the kids will discover new flavors that give them energy and vitality.

Video: Eat 5 Fruits & Vegetables a Day (July 2024).