If you were to be a mother today for the first time ... what would you change?

I have found it very nice to share with you this video that they have made some time ago in Maternal Love in which several mothers are sincere about what they would do or would stop doing in the case of becoming mothers again.

The self-reflection exercise is very interesting, so we extend the proposal to you to think about it: If you were to become a mother for the first time ... what would you change?.

Undoubtedly, there are many things that we would change, especially those that with the passage of time, for information that we did not have before, or simply because we felt that this way of doing things did not go with us, we would decide not to repeat again if we returned To be mothers.

I am sure that things I would do again: carry my baby in my arms even if they thought that life was complicated by having strollers, sleeping with my baby, breastfeeding on demand, letting him eat only from the introduction of solids, and letting him try, try, Experiment without fear of being wrong. (These, to say some that come to mind right now)

On the other hand, there are things that I would change if I became a mother for the first time: I would fight for a birth in which I felt more protagonist, I would not allow the baby to be taken to bathe when I was born, I would try not to get angry at things that are not so serious, try to give more freedom and control me to not be so on. I think I have been (and am) quite "pampering," I would still pamper my baby even more if I were a mother again.

I recommend you do the exercise because it is very liberating and positive. Tell us in the comments of the post. If you were to become a mother (or father) today for the first time ... what would you change?

Video: Ep 46: Moms!! What if your mother never had to change to be a gift to you? (July 2024).