Ana de la Calle del Colegio Casvi: "It is important that parents feel with their children to make good use of the Internet"

In Peques and Más we bring an interview with Ana from Cerrato Street, the Infant Education coordinator of Eurocolegio Casvi. The objective of the interview is to know how information technologies (ICT) are used in the children's stage at school, focusing on the abilities and skills that children develop such as attention, reasoning, observation, memory and manual dexterity And it is that ICTs are adapting to the classrooms using them as another resource, motivating at all times both the teacher and the students in their learning. further we talk about tools, the ICT coordinator, the use in homes and the future of classroom education.

What tools are used in the classroom with children in the children's stage and what skills are developed?

ICT is a didactic and educational resource but it does not have to replace other materials as simple as a pencil and a blank sheet. It must be recognized that they have a very motivating and attractive quality for the student, both in the children's stage and in the other educational levels. They allow us to give way to a great creative and personal intervention, maintaining at all times something as important in the child stage as is the game, learning and self-discovery.

At Casvi school, has the quality of education improved by the use of ICT?

Our educational model is based on the integral human formation of our students, fostering a series of values ​​and meeting the new training expectations based on technological advancement. That is why innovation in learning is essential, attracting students' motivation to be able to participate actively and always in a positive way in self-discovery.

What is the level of teacher training in the use of ICT tools?

In education it is essential to be up to date with new methodologies, ICTs are part of an increasingly changing environment to which we have to adapt and anticipate with a continuous training of all teachers, combined with our club of good practices and innovation.

What role does the ICT coordinator play in the school?

Its fundamental task involves establishing contacts, providing information that can reach all teachers and having our technological material ready at all times, for immediate and regular use throughout the school day.

How can parents participate in the education process and in the use of ICTs by expanding the experience at home?

First of all if anyone has thought about buying an interactive whiteboard or something similar so that your little one has it in their room they forget about the idea. Children have learned that it is a resource they have in their school, and that there is something similar at home that they can manipulate, consult and play with it as they do in school: mobile, computer, tablet, etc.

It is very important that parents feel with their children to make good use of the internet.

Parents can also collaborate to find games and activities as an educational resource, to learn concepts, memorize, associate and develop the capacity for attention. And they must, from small, accustom them to a responsible use of ICT, starting with television and not using ICT to leave us alone when we eat or have dinner, but as another family activity that children can to learn a lot.

How is the industry adapting educational content so that digital boards, tablets, computers can be used?

This is still the great pending issue, publishers are adapting content too slowly for the pace at which technologies change. In the schools we are working in most of the cases in a “state of art”, each teacher or group of professors are organizing their support materials.

What will the future of education be like, what learning trends are observed with the progressive use of the internet in the classroom and at home?

There is a tendency towards the increasing use of ICT in the classroom to the point that each student has their own laptop or tablet, a trend that should be accompanied by a responsible development of materials adapted to each course. I think that the children of our society normally assume the presence of technologies in their homes, live with them and adopt them without any difficulty.

There is something that we cannot forget, neither as educators nor as parents, and that is that among the many contributions of ICT are those of promoting cooperative and collaborative use among students as well as motivating them to develop their communication.

And so far the interview with Ana, to which we thank her generosity and commitment to tell us about the uses they make of ICT in Casvi school in early childhood education. Also for teaching us to identify the limits and possible dangers of their use, in addition to the fact that we have, parents and teachers, the responsibility of transmitting them to our children.

In Peques and More | Juan Luis Yagüe, director of the Eurocolegio Casvi: "in bilingual schools they focus too much on English, leaving aside the rest of the subjects, nor getting spectacular results" More information | Casvi School

Video: Christmas Carols. Educación Infantil. (July 2024).