Babies highlights and more: March 19-25

Like every start of the week, it's time to review the most prominent contents published in Babies and more The last week.

We begin the week celebrating Father's Day, in which Armando has sincere telling us the father he was going to be and the father I am, and here we take the opportunity to congratulate him on the recent birth of Guim. Surely we will have more details of his arrival in the world and of this new parenthesis in his life.

It has also been a day of Fallas in Valencia and we have been able to verify that in Fallas it is also timed.

Another important celebration that we could not miss has been the commemoration of World Down Syndrome Day, in which we wanted to raise awareness about the rights and needs of children suffering from this disorder.

One of the issues that more comments has unleashed in recent days is the estimate that we spent 6200 euros of expenditure (minimum?) During the baby's first year. Many have found it exaggerated, others not so much, but anyway it is interesting to know the expenses that occur with the arrival of a baby to the family.

Also talking about how much we spend, but in this case on vaccines, we have known that the Prevenar 13, Rotateq and Varivax vaccines are cheaper in Andorra (and can be purchased online).

For those who are thinking that the good weather is approaching and it is the ideal time for the diaper operation we have told you that you can leave the diaper without using the potty, according to my own experience, and after telling you that the diaper stage has been overcome .

Continuing with our baby name series we have offered new female names of Old Testament characters (V).

We have echoed surprising news that a pregnant woman or childbirth can no longer be handcuffed (in some places) or that the siamese Marta and Nuria joined by the abdomen were successfully separated.

We have also commented that the protective instinct is activated in the adult brain when seeing a baby and that the parents take care more of the children due to the crisis, seeing a positive effect of an unfavorable situation.

Regarding the time we spend with children, we have wondered when we stop sharing time with children. It makes us reflect on the time we spend playing with our children and how fast they grow.

We have also recommended 'The child already eats alone', a good book about baby-led weaning, with everything you need to know about the ACS (to eat alone) method of introducing solid foods into babies.

With good information for pregnant and recent moms, we have recommended a YouTube channel with advice from midwives and pediatricians on breastfeeding. And about children's films, we have recommended one of our favorites: "Phineas and Ferb, the movie: Through the Second Dimension."

Finally, we have presented you with a new Wallaboo pouch, Makego, an application to turn the iPhone into a toy car and a selection of places to buy clothes for premature babies.

This week, many more interesting things in Babies and more.

Video: AETHER RAIDS - Wins Compilation March 19 - 25 2019 - Fire Emblem Heroes (July 2024).