Family mealtime

Within our special Infant Feeding in Babies and more we are going to talk about an issue today. In spite of the difficulties that the speed of modern life could entail, it seems fundamental to us that children receive a correct nutritional education and positive examples of food, as well as being one of the pillars of family communication. Is about family mealtime.

The family educator in nutrition

The role of the family in healthy lifestyle habits It is of enormous importance. Children learn, more than we say, from what we do. That is, the child who lives in a family in which he eats healthy, will eat healthy, but he who does not eat with his parents and that these, in addition, do not feed properly, will hardly assume the importance of a naturally balanced diet and he will not be accustomed to eating adequate things.

It is no use crushing that you have to eat fruit, vegetables and legumes if parents do not eat them or do not sit down to eat them with their children.

And we have to be clear that eat with our children It will favor that they recognize our eating patterns and reproduce them, and incorporate correct nutritional habits, always, of course, that we ourselves have them.

So, eat in family, it will favor the health of our children now and also in the future, because much of what counts in healthy living habits is based on what is practiced in childhood and on the example of parents.

Of course in family meals, you will have to choose a menu preferably homemade and balanced, with vegetables in abundance and healthy and tasty preparations. Family food should be a time to set an example of moderation and healthy choices. In addition, we can use them to introduce new foods, because, the example of parents, is a great incentive for children.

Good culinary customs

Although modern life sometimes prevents children from sitting down to eat with their parents, we can always organize ourselves so that at least one of the meals of the day is made as a family or spend the weekend being together.

In addition to eating one of the facets that we can reinforce is to instill in the children good culinary customs and teach them, little by little, to cook.

It would be ideal to prepare food, which can be simple, all together in the kitchen, asking each child for their collaboration according to their abilities. Wash the vegetables, peel the carrots or potatoes with a peeler, prepare some snacks, set the table or help us in a dish that is not dangerous will increase the involvement of the child in the kitchen, and, in addition, his pride in the food we serve.

The social aspect of food

We must not forget the social aspect of food. And, also in the family, sitting down to eat together will help the family members know each other better and have some time to talk, tell their news and thoughts, receive support and advice and feel much closer to each other.

If we eat with our children we will be able to know them better and they will know us too. Creating a healthy, emotionally nutritious relationship and knowing that the other knows and understands us is the real basis for good family communication.

Bad emotional habits at the table

Eating together is a time to talk and get to know each other better, enjoying food. But do not forget that eating accurate, for proper digestion, a pleasant and respectful environment.

If we sit down to eat all together it is not time to do it with a bad face, scold, shout or press continuously so that the child eats everything. There is no worse food than what is done with tension and bad manners. The worst habit at the table is to use that time to put in the face of the child what we don't like about him, judge him or be scolding him.

One way to start the meal well is to have all participated in its preparation and to set the table, with a good atmosphere, without hurry, and putting, in the background, soft music that we all like but that does not interrupt the conversations. It is not a time for scolding, I repeat, but for relaxed and trustworthy talks.

Of course, Family meal should be done without background television, and above all, without newscasts full of violent images. If we want to watch the news or talk about work problems, we must choose another time when our children are doing other activities. It is not fair to charge them with negativity or aggressiveness while they eat by our side, what they really need in our active attention, not TV in the background.

Video: Family Mealtime Makeover (July 2024).