The train of memory: nice game to train memory

We often bring you comments on games for children that we have tried with our kids. This time, it's about The train of memory, a beautiful game to train memory and the concentration available for iOS (iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch).

It is an application for children from four years. You can see an elephant aboard a train that has to memorize the objects that appear through the window. Before starting the game, children can choose from nine avatars, and the progress of up to four players is saved, which allows them to progress in the different stages.

They have to be very attentive to what the elephant sees through the window to then guess the answer between three possibilities. Shapes, colors, numbers and figures appear.

The trip is made up of ten stages in which brown, bronze or gold stars and peanuts are earned, according to the points obtained.

As the game progresses the difficulty is increasing, so you have to be very attentive to remember the objects that pass at a faster speed.

My daughters have tried The Train of Memory And they loved it. It is easy to use, they had a great time and when they feel like they can play again at the stage they prefer to improve the score.

The truth is very well done. It is an educational game that in addition to entertaining helps them train memory and improve concentration. It is available on the App Store for 1.59 euros.

Video: 9 Brain Exercises to Strengthen Your Mind (July 2024).