Special Infant feeding: to the supermarket with the children

One of the ways for children to get involved in family activities and to get a taste for the moment of food is to help us prepare that moment. Shopping with the children is an opportunity to have a good time with them while we stock our pantry.

Yes the children accompany us to the supermarket to buy foodAnd, even more, they help us make the shopping list at home, reviewing everything we need and what they would like to buy, they feel part of family decisions.

Smaller babies will simply accompany us with much interest and not missing detail of the varied world of colors and shapes that make up the shelves of a supermarket. But children can already help us make the purchase and participate in what we will take home to feed the next few days.

Once in the store, children may have small responsibilities and not be mere spectators from the shopping cart (which they also love, uploaded there like in a float). They can carry the small baskets with wheels themselves, and go introducing some items (better not to suffer the risk of crushing or breaking).

A healthy shopping cart

To achieve an adequate nutritional status it is necessary to incorporate a wide variety of foods into our daily and weekly diet, so we will visit all sections of the store (it is usually more comfortable for families to make the entire purchase in the same place), or going to the different specialized stores: greengrocers, butchers, fishmongers, bakeries ...

Currently, due to the rhythm of life and social changes, a biweekly or monthly purchase of food, so we must plan our food and make a purchase intelligently, since we will not be going to the supermarket regularly in case we are missing something.

In the planning of the purchase we must choose the most nutritious and safe options for the family, and give children the choice between these options. To achieve an intelligent, nutritious and economical purchase (important at this time), we must plan in advance what kind of food we need and in what quantity, and not give in to the "whims" (although I would not say that they are prohibited, because they are a great encouragement for kids, and they don't have to be unhealthy).

Children should go shopping without hunger, although they are likely to succumb to temptations. Do not forget to decide for a healthy snack if you are hungry right now. Go through the fruit or dairy section, better than the candy section.

If we let them choose some foods to include in the basket (within which they can drink and are healthy) they will also feel part of this moment. Stopping for it in the section of fruits, vegetables or dairy products usually gives good results and we do not run the risk of wanting to take some inadequate food. Choosing the pizza, the meat, the fish they want ... are also other options.

New foods or those that do not make them too funny are not banned: it is good that they get used to picking them up, touching them, and even cooking them once at home, to lose their "fear". Recall that children's food preferences have a component of learning, of experience, so those foods with which they are familiar are more likely to like them. Let's not make the mistake of not giving them the foods that we don't like.

We can also see this moment as an opportunity to learn, let's devote the necessary time to your questions about what are the different foods that you don't know, let's talk a little more about them (a strategy to entertain them while they learn) ... Topics as varied as the digestive process, vitamins, fruits or money can arise at this time.

Involving children in the purchase of food will also help us educate them about healthier foods. Fruits and vegetables can not be missed at our stops. The older ones will be able to check the expiration dates, the origin of the product ...

Make mealtime a healthy, relaxed and happy moment It is a task that begins long before sitting at the table, in the supermarket making the purchase with the small diners. We hope that these tips will help you and encourage you to participate in that moment.

Video: Little Girl Taking Care Of Baby Doll. Supermarket Shopping For Baby Food (July 2024).