Walk the World 2007, walk the fight against hunger and child malnutrition

The next May 13 will begin Walk the World 2007, the walk to fight against hunger and child malnutrition, with the intention of sensitizing the population and the rulers to take more and better measures against this serious problem.

118 countries, including Spain, will participate in this initiative organized by the United Nations World Food Program and the TNT multinational. This walk is intended to show all the governments of the participating countries the wishes of the population to take stronger measures against two problems that result in the death of millions of children. Spain will participate in the initiative through six cities, Malaga, Zaragoza, Manzanares El Real (Madrid), Castelldefels (Barcelona), Vigo and Artziniega (Vitoria). The march will be held the day before, on May 12 and a couple of kilometers will be traveled. The truth is that the distance to travel is not important, but your participation, it is necessary that citizens show our desire to contribute to solve these serious problems.

Perhaps there are those who may be reluctant to make a donation or buy one of those items that are sold in the TNT online store, the solution then is to visit the official website of the Walk the World 2007 initiative. Each entry registered on the website , you will get an equivalent donation to be able to feed one of the millions of children suffering from hunger and malnutrition for one day.

It is a simple walk that can contribute to promoting current aid for children.

Video: Experiencing Extreme Hunger in Kenya (July 2024).