
I have recently been rereading the Cisneros Report on Bullying and School Violence and I think it is worth recovering their conclusions and preparing parents for this situation that their children may have to face when they go to Primary.

I believe that parents should know this problem well to avoid it and solve it as soon as possible if it occurs, and, the sooner we handle the information, the better.

The Cisneros Report indicates that it is in the first years of Primary when bullying numbers are higher, reaching 40% of students as victims in a broad sense, because they include teasing, isolation and derogatory motions, not only, make no mistake, beatings or humiliations organized in groups, which are the most serious cases, but Not the only ones considered bullying.

This study reveals that 23.2% of Spanish children live bullying daily in general figures.

In addition, 53.7% of victims of bullying have symptoms of posttraumatic stress, 54.8% suffer from depression, 53% have a negative image of themselves.

He adds that also, the most frequent form of bullying is that which refers to social blockage (marginalization, isolation), present in 30% of cases. They are followed by harassment (21%), manipulation (20%) and coercion (17%), social exclusion (16%), intimidation (14%), aggressions (13%) and threats (9%) complete the table.

What is bullying?

Perhaps the biggest problem Bullying It is the difficulty to detect it. Adults surrounding the victim may not realize or minimize it.

And is that school violence It is not only that the child receives physical aggressions from one or several partners and that these leave obvious signs. Normally this, which may or may not happen, is the culmination of a very complex victimization process.

Start with aggressions and intimidations that the victim leaves without an adequate response and that make the aggressors increase the intensity of the harassment. He can start with insults, harmful motes, speak ill of the child and turn to other classmates against him by sowing malicious rumors about him.

In addition, the threats to get the child to do something he does not want, take away an object, or the same snack and even ask for money are other manifestations of bullying. The objective is to make him feel afraid of aggressions, of teasing, that something negative is told about him.

Too, BullyingIt can be manifested with physical aggression: giving him colleges or giving him a trip, pushing or stealing, hiding or taking away his belongings.

The most subtle, but equally harmful, form of school violence is the isolation. The victim is not allowed to participate in games or joint social activities, is isolated, not spoken and actively ignored. They treat him like a stinker and that means that even those who did not actively participate in the harassment, also move away from him, by staying in the group, by contagion or by fearing themselves to be victims.

There are manifestations of bullying that have racist and sexist dyes such as the motives or derogatory comments about the ethnic or cultural minority to which the victim belongs and, in the case of girls especially, carrying out actions of sexual content that bother them (such as lifting their skirts, telling them rudeness or sneaking to look at them in the bathroom or when changing in the locker room).

Especially terrible is sexual harassment of homosexual children and adolescents or with behavior that is not considered the norm among their gender. Sometimes, the trigger is simply for a boy not to play "boys" games, have dolls or get more together with girls to be harassed by homosexuals. In adolescents, the suspicion of homosexuality or its finding can trigger a real torture in which verbal, physical and sexual aggressions continue for years.

As we have seen bullying is a very complex phenomenon, broadly and unfortunately, quite widespread and unknown. To solve it and avoid its most serious consequences, early detection is the key and in the next topic we will see some ways in which parents can detect their manifestations and signs in children.

Video: Bullying - Stop It (July 2024).