Natural or spontaneous abortion is more common than previously thought: why it occurs (and why not)

Between 20 and 30% of pregnancies end in a miscarriage. These natural abortions are a natural mechanism of the organism that reacts to a problem and are not caused by a fall, without the woman having done anything to cause it: neither the practice of exercise, nor sex, nor stress, nor heavy lifting , neither a slight fall nor of course nausea, are responsible.

Dr. César Lizán, medical director of Clínicas Eva, explains what are the natural causes that can cause an abortion before the 20th week of pregnancy, although in most cases it happens in the first trimester of pregnancy.

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Chromosomal abnormalities

Although there is no test to evaluate all the causes that lead to abortion, it is known that, in most cases, the main reason is chromosomal abnormalities.

This means that the embryo resulting from fertilization of the ovum by sperm has an incorrect number of chromosomes or that cell division errors occurred (chromosomes are lost or copied poorly). In these cases the embryo is not viable.

Researchers study whether certain environmental factors, such as ingestion of folic acid or radiation, affect the chances of suffering from chromosomal abnormalities, but there is no scientific evidence to support the idea and at the moment It is believed that chance is responsible for the appearance of these anomalies.

Structure of the uterus and cervix

After some abortions, the doctor may perform an examination of the uterus and cervix for structural abnormalities that may cause the pregnancy to not come to term.

  • If the uterus has an irregular shape or the woman suffers from a septate uterus (an extra tissue that divides the uterus into two sections), the embryo cannot implant properly. Surgical intervention may be necessary to correct the problem.

  • It can also happen that the cervix is ​​weak and can expand prematurely. It also has a solution: add a few points to strengthen the cervix.

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Certain bacterial infections invade the uterine lining, preventing implantation and embryo growth, which causes an abortion.

If the doctor detects the presence of these bacteria, he can prescribe antibiotics to treat the problem.

In addition, we must be aware of other infections that can affect pregnancy and, in severe cases, endanger the life of the fetus.

Excessive alcohol intake

Alcohol can increase the chances of a natural abortion, but only after drinking large amounts of alcohol.

Although it is difficult to know exactly where this limit is, Ava explains that a study found that women who consume more than four drinks per week were much more likely to have an abortion, compared to those who did not drink any alcohol.

So when in doubt: not a drop of alcohol during pregnancy because it does reach the baby.

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What if the abortion is confirmed?

The clearest sign that there is a threat of abortion is suffering from vaginal bleeding., which are sometimes accompanied by painful uterine contractions. In the face of the least loss of blood, it is necessary to go immediately to the emergency department to check if the cervix is ​​open or closed, and the vitality of the fetus with an ultrasound.

In some cases, rest is enough to prevent a miscarriage., but if the cause of the threat is a genetic abnormality, resting may not prevent the loss of pregnancy.

In addition, if the doctor confirms the worst suspicion, that the baby's small heart has stopped, two main aspects must be taken into account: on the one hand, the medical care that the woman needs and almost as important her emotional health , as loss it is.

  • Physical Health. Depending on the cause that caused the abortion, the doctor will opt for drug treatment, curettage or simply prescribe pain relievers from uterine contractions and let the body itself expel the uterine contents (if the pregnancy is very recent ).

After this, the woman will return to review when she stops having losses and will be able to look for the pregnancy again. You will have the same options to achieve that if you had not had a previous abortion.

In Babies and more Miscarriage or natural abortion
  • Emotional health. It is true that little or nothing is usually talked about spontaneous abortions or in the media, even among groups of friends.

Luckily, voices begin to emerge talking about his loss, like Michelle Obama, who told in his biography, who suffered an abortion and today has two daughters born by IVF.

The illustrator Paula Bonet also gave voice and face to the subject on her Instagram account after having suffered her second miscarriage in a year. And ensures that "We have to know what women face in order to be prepared."

But if we start thinking, almost all (if not all) we know someone who has had to go through this bad drink and often alone, because he has not shared it.

My sister is one of them and a good example that fears of not being able to have another baby or of having another abortion are often unfounded. After birth, my oldest niece had a miscarriage and, after overcoming sadness and emptiness, she became pregnant without problems a few months later and a year later the little girl arrived from the house.

And also a companion of the layout department and my neighbor next door, who then had twins.

Of course, when it happens, a little affection and understanding is very good for them. Because the fear of failure, the feeling of emptiness and loss must be overcome.

Video: What Actually Happens When You Have An Abortion? (May 2024).