The "Maternities" of Picasso for coloring

The figure of the mother has been brought to art in all ages and cultures, and the little ones appreciate those representations of loving mothers with their children (because they are reflected in them). Why not propose to color Picasso's famous paintings? I loved this series of the "Maternities" of Picasso for coloring.

Picasso has many pictures dedicated to babies and children, their mothers with them, some of which we have already commented on the blog. Apart from bringing art to children by observing, commenting, imitating and interpreting paintings, a good idea is to do it through those same coloring pictures.

It is what we have in these beautiful "Maternities" of Picasso, who have seen their original color disappear to become almost a white canvas where children can use their own color palette and reinterpret art. Different styles as corresponds to the different times of Picasso, but with the undeniable imprint of the artist.

It is a photocopiable material prepared for a project in the Infant Education classrooms of Eduardo Ocón School, located in a small town in Málaga, Benamocarra.

It was intended that three-year-old boys and girls they learned to value mom's beloved figure through the pictorial work of a famous Malaga painter, and they got an educational award for the project, which included many interesting activities for children, including this proposal.

A total of 31 images formed by details of his paintings or by all of these, except for the color, of course. The elders will like to make their own "maternity" imitating the Picasso style or with their own. Choose the "Maternities" of Picasso for coloring that you and your children like best and you will see how they enjoy "brush" in hand ...

Video: The Duck Song (July 2024).